Iran-Italy: Italian senate supports the Iranian democratic resistance

IRIS, Rome, Oct. 22 – A press conference was held today by the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), headed by Maryam Rajavi, its elected leader.

The conference was held in the conference room of the Senate in the presence of Lucio Malan, Secretary of the Presidency of the Senate and other senators from various parties.

IRIS, Rome, Oct. 22 – A press conference was held today by the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), headed by Maryam Rajavi, its elected leader.

The conference was held in the conference room of the Senate in the presence of Lucio Malan, Secretary of the Presidency of the Senate and other senators from various parties.

The Council included various political groups, ethnic and religious opposition to the theocratic regime of the mullahs.

The main goal of the Council is to remove People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) from the international blacklist, the only obstacle to the full recognition and limiting the action of what will be the provisional government after the liberation, as desired by the Council.

The National Council of Resistance of Iran has a social network that organizes the protests to the Iranian dictatorship.

Last June, she [Mrs. Rajavi] gathered 70,000 opponents in Paris.

"We believe in a pluralistic and tolerant Iran, peaceful and non-nuclear. We support the abolition of the death penalty and discrimination against women "as the main positions of the Council were expressed by Maryam Rajavi during the press conference.

What this suggests is that the liberation movement in essence believes in democracy and a free market.

"The [Iranian] regime welcomes Mujahideen presence on the blacklist of the European Union that is why I call for your help," said Lord Slynn of Hadley, former member of the European Court of Justice. He was invited by NCRI.

"The EU offers a biannual list of groups regarded as dangerous to maintain them for long time in the list; something which it is neither necessary nor justified.

"The courts and national parliaments can do much in this area," Lord from Hadley continues.

 The British Parliament was wiser than the government by canceling the ban. That is what should be down by the national parliaments and MEPs to overturn the decision of the Council of [Ministers] in Europe."

The Italian senators were prepared to support the NCRI's cause before the Council of [Ministers] of the European Union.


Editor's note: The above text is a direct translation from Italian of the IRIS.

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