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HomeIran News NowIran Opposition & ResistanceIran: Iranian youth support gathering of Iranian opposition in Paris

Iran: Iranian youth support gathering of Iranian opposition in Paris


Iranian youth organization opposing the clerical regime have sent a series of messages supporting the upcoming grand gathering of Iranian Resistance on June 13 near Paris.

The organizations based inside of Iran described the event as the voice of Iranian people for freedom and democracy in Iran. The public expression of support are taking place despite the security risk involved for any Iranian citizen supporting the main opposition movement against the regime. They often face long prison terms and torture.

The youth in northern Gilan Province said: “We are calling on our compatriots abroad who can participate in this event to be the voice of the enchained Iran and to participate fully in this great event and cry out that the Iranian people do not want this reactionary regime. This gathering is the voice of the Iranian youth and women who cannot stage large demonstrations inside Iran because of the suppression. You, as our representatives, can bring our voice to be heard by the world.”

In southern city of Ahvaz a group of youth said: “The message of this gathering is clear for those who need to know. This resistance has been steadfast in its struggle and disclosures and has tarnished all collaborations and rapprochement with this regime and laid bare ludicrous show of moderation by Mullah Rouhani which will prove to be a further defeat for the religious dictatorship. The religious tyranny must go and be replaced with freedom and democracy.”
Members of youth organization in Tehran said: “We can and we must topple the regime of velayat-e faqih whose spell has been broken and is engulfed in domestic and regional crises. A new Iran based on peace and democracy must be established.”

Another group said in their message: “The grand gathering of Iranians represents the hunger of every Iranian for a bright future and promises our victory; the victory over forces of darkness and toppling of the tyrants… As freedom-loving youth of Kurdistan Province, we announce our solidarity with this gathering though we are far away and we hope that our bright future is near. With such a resistance we should achieve it.”

A group of youth in northern Iran said: “As a group of freedom-loving youth from Gilan Province, we express our solidarity with this great gathering of Iranians on June 13 in the hope of a free and democratic Iran so that the streets of Iran will no longer have hungry and impoverished people or deserted children who sleep in the streets. May our streets be full of happiness.”

A message from Tehran said: “Supporting the grand annual gathering of Iranians in Villepinte is to say NO to the dictatorship in its entirety. Support for this gathering is to support freedom for all Iranians and support for change of this atrocious regime and to replace it with a democratic system.”

#Iran #WeCanANDWeMust #Paris