Iran: Imprisoned student banned from contacting imprisoned mother

NCRI – A university student imprisoned by the Iranian regime has reportedly been banned by prison guards at Gohardasht prison in Karaj from having phone contacts with his mother, who herself is being held at Tehran’s notorious Evin prison.


Houad Yazerlou and his mother, Ms. Nazila Dashti, are placed under pressure and psychologically tortured by Iranian regime officials.

When Mr. Yazerlou intended to phone his mother from prison recently, he was told that Evin prison officials have banned such contacts.

Mrs. Nazila Dashti is currently being held at the Women’s Ward in Evin. After the female prisoners’ transfer to the so-called “methadone ward,” inmates have been banned from having phone contacts.

Mr. Yazerlou’s brother, Hamed, who is also a university student, is imprisoned at Evin’s Ward 350.

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