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HomeIran News NowIran Opposition & ResistanceIran: Euro Parliamentary group defends PMOI's rights in Iraq

Iran: Euro Parliamentary group defends PMOI’s rights in Iraq

Iran: Euro Parliamentary group defends PMOI's rights in IraqNCRI – Following a meeting of Euro MPs on Iraq and the Iranian regime’s meddling in that country on May 17, Mr. Paulo Casaca, Co-Chair of the Friends of a Free Iran, a Euro Parliamentary group, wrote to the Iraqi Foreign Minister, Hoshyar Zebari, and raised the MEPs concerns with him.

"There are growing concerns in the European Parliament over the Iranian regime’s pressures on the main opposition group in that county, the People’s Mojahedin (PMOI)," wrote Casaca referring to a letter by the Iranian embassy in Baghdad to the Foreign Minister demanding restrictions to be imposed against the PMOI in violation of their rights as protected persons under the Fourth Geneva Convention.

In his letter Casaca said that a large number of MEPs from different EP political groups addressed this issue in the meeting and condemned the Iranian regime’s role in derailing the democratic process in Iraq and called for a decisive response to its meddling in that country, which includes among other things, sending money and weapons and organizing paramilitary groups which have been involved in the assassination of anti-fundamentalist personalities in Iraq.

"They also reiterated the role of the PMOI as anti-fundamentalist Muslims and their contribution to the democratic process in Iraq and their impact as a major bulwark against the spread of Iranian-inspired fundamentalism in Iraq," said Casaca.

The letter added: "The MEPs called on the Iraqi government to reject in no uncertain terms the demands by the Iranian government and to ensure that the inalienable rights of the PMOI in the framework of the Fourth Geneva Convention is upheld and protected."

In conclusion, Casaca appealed on behalf of his colleagues to the Iraqi Foreign Minister to protect the PMOI’s right to free speech in any way he deemed appropriate.

Copies of his letter were also forwarded to the Iraqi President, Jalal Talabani, Commander of the Multi-National Forces in Iraq and the US Ambassador in that country.