Iran: EU should start having real relations with the PMOI (MEK) – Finnish Euro MP

NCRI – In a press conference in Brussels on June 11, the regime's back-door efforts to prevent implementation of rule of law in Europe was condemned by Euro MP, Mrs. Piia Noora Kaupi, leader of the Finnish delegation in the Group of the European People's Party in the European Parliament. The following are excerpts of her remarks at the press conference:

The majority of the European Parliament wants us to stand by our democratic principles. I think it is totally absurd for the Iranian regime announcing that the court verdicts in Britain and in Europe which have ruled in favor of the [People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran] PMOI [MEK] are politically motivated because they have studied all the classified documents and every data available before ruling that there was no justification to keep the PMOI [MEK] on the terrorist list.

We at the European Parliament are very surprised and disappointed by the attitude of the Council of European Union.

In the past few years we have requested many times that the PMOI [MEK] should be removed from the list. It has already taken too long and the organization has been kept on the list without any grounds.

The only reason for the PMOI [MEK] to be on the EU list was the British government and after the court ruling in that country the PMOI [MEK] cannot be kept on the list and I have very little respect for any government, be it the British government, the French government or any government which would try to keep the organization in the list.

We in the European Union share this view that the PMOI [MEK] should be removed from the EU terrorist list immediately and we also should cooperate much more with this organization. The EU should start having real relations with the PMOI [MEK], because the PMOI [MEK] and the National Council of Resistance of Iran have the capacity for democratic change in Iran.

I have met Mrs. Rajavi, President-elect of the [National Council of Resistance of Iran] NCRI, and other officials of the Iranian Resistance many times and I can assure you that they are fully committed to the democratic principles. This is the only organization that can bring change to Iran. So, I think it is only natural and logical for the EU to start cooperation with this organization.

So once again I emphasize that we should get the PMOI [MEK] out of the EU list immediately and not give in to pressures by the Iranian regime to influence EU decision-making.
Removal of the PMOI [MEK] from the terrorist list is the will of the majority of the European Parliament as reflected in its January 31 resolution.

NCRI Editor’s note:The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (or Mujahedeen-e-Khalq, MEK) is a member of the National Council of Resistance of Iran.

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