Iran-EU: “Mullahs ‘R’ terrorists” chanted by anti Iranian regime demonstrators in Brussels



NCRI, BRUSSELS, November 7 – Reporting on the EU ministers meeting in Brussels to decide on its policy toward Iranian regime, the French news agency, AFP, wrote: “Anti-Tehran demonstrators used Monday’s EU talks to highlight their opposition to Europe’s efforts to engage with the Islamic state.”

"’Expel the mullahs from the UN’ and ‘Mullahs’R’terrorists,’ read two banners brandished at the protest,” said the AFP report.
The agency added that in the demonstration organized by the National Council of Resistance of Iran the protestors chanted, "They are terrorists, they must go,” referring to mullahs ruling in Iran.
The European Union said Monday it is studying a new Iranian offer to resume talks on Tehran’s disputed nuclear programme, aiming to defuse an increasingly tense standoff with the Islamic fundamentalist state.
British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw, one of three EU ministers who have led efforts to engage Iranian clerics by offering benefits in return for pledges on its nuclear plans underlined the need for Tehran to respond "positively" to a resolution by the United Nations’ nuclear watchdog
The offer by mullahs comes three weeks ahead of a November 24 meeting of the UN nuclear watchdog which could theoretically send mullahs’ regime to the Security Council and amid mounting concerns about the direction of Ahmadinejad’s government.

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