Iran-EU: Maintaining PMOI on terror list is to the detriment of Europe’s moral standing

NCRI – Speaking to a meeting at the European Parliament (EP) on May 28, Dr. Janusz Onyszkiewicz, Vice-President of the EP Foreign Affairs Committee from Poland said, "We should remove the PMOI from EU terror list and everyday that we delay this decision, it is to the detriment of the moral standing of the European Union which we should cherish so much."

He was speaking before a large number of MEPs of different political groups and British parliamentarians who received Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, at the European Parliament as part of a Euro-wide campaign to remove the PMOI from EU's terror list. Text of his speech follows:

Every country has a legitimate right to seek the security and greater proper role in the region or on the world political stage. The question however is what kind of instruments are used to secure these two goals? Nobody would deny that Iran has the right to develop certain nuclear technology for civilian purposes.

However the problem is that this is a program which clearly leads to the capability to construct nuclear weapons. And some people would say: “so what’s the problem? After all, nuclear weapons were developed, nuclear capability was developed by Israel and nothing happened in the region.”

But this is something different, because the mullahs’ regime is extremely highly ideologically motivated and their reaction need not to be pragmatic as was the reaction of Soviet leaders. That really reminds me of what Mao-Tse-Tung said when he was asked once “would you really risk loosing one hundred million people in case of a nuclear war which was prophesized? And his answer was yes, it’s a good price to pay, for humanity to live under communism.

This might be the attitude of highly ideological regimes such as the one in Iran. It is for this reason that we should support the democratic movement and we must also give them the credit for disclosing to the western community, the community of democratic nations, that Iran had this nuclear program that gave rise to the whole political process that unfortunately is not completed. But we should give them the credit for that and at least in appreciation for that we should also remove the PMOI from this list and everyday that we delay this decision, it is to the detriment of the moral standing of the European Union which we should cherish so much.

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