Iran: Danielle Mitterrand joins legal appeal to remove PMOI’s terror tag

NCRI -The following is a statement by the French human rights organization, France Libertes, Foundation of Danielle Mitterrand:

France Libertes will support the People’s Mojahidin Organization in the European Court of Justice

Danielle Mitterrand will go on Tuesday, February 7, to Luxembourg to attend the hearing of the European court of Justice, concerning the appeal of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI – member of the National Council of Resistance of Iran), against its designation in the European Union’s list of terrorist organizations.

No terrorist activity has ever been attributed to these Iranian dissidents, many of whom lived as refugees in Europe for more than 20 years.

The Danielle Mitterrand Foundation warns against terror designation of some dissidents, which is sometimes motivated by political or economic interests.

Last year, Danielle Mitterrand and her Foundation with the help of some international NGOs succeeded to remove a ban on those very dissidents who were barred from entering UN premises on the basis of an Interpol warrant forged by the Iranian regime.

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