Iran: Commemorating PMOI/MEK Martyrs of 2015 Missile Attack



NCRI – Supporters of Iranian Resistance and the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) in cities across the world held demonstration and ceremonies on the anniversary of the missile attack on Camp Liberty on October 29, 2015, in which 24 residents were martyred, and commemorated the memory of these PMOI martyrs.

In Canada, supporters of Mojahedin (PMOI/MEK) and Iranian Resistance held a demonstration in Lastman square in Toronto on Saturday October 29 commemorating the memory of 24 PMOI martyrs who lost their lives in the rocket attacks on Camp Liberty on 29 October 2015. They called for an end to the brutal and systemic violation of human rights and moratorium of death penalty in Iran. They called on the Western governments to end their appeasement policy towards the antihuman clerical regime ruling Iran. Participants also called for the prosecution and trial of those responsible for the 1988 massacre of 30,000 political prisoners in international courts.

In Sweden, a large number of freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the PMOI and Iranian Resistance in Stockholm staged a gathering on Saturday October 29 in the city center to commemorate the memory of those PMOI martyrs who lost their lives in the criminal rocket attacks on Camp Liberty by the Iranian regime’s agents on 29 October 2015.

Brandenburg Square in Berlin witnessed a splendiferous ceremony on Saturday October 29 in honor of the 24 PMOI heroes who sacrificed their lives for freedom in Iran during the criminal rocket attacks on Camp Liberty on 29 October 2015. In this ceremony, a large crowd of freedom-loving Iranians, children of the PMOI martyrs and political prisoners, families of the martyrs, officials of Iranian communities in Berlin and representative of the National Council of Resistance of Iran in Germany as well as Mr. Christian Zimmermann, Director of the Office of Human Rights and Minority Affairs in Berlin, participated. At the end of the ceremony, the participants laid flowers on a scene decorated with photos of the martyrs.


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