Iran at the Center of the Warsaw Summit

Iran at the Center of the Warsaw Summit

By Staff writer

The ministerial conference on the Middle East, hosted jointly by the US State Department and Polish Foreign Ministry, will be held on 13 and 14 February. The conference will focus on Iran as the main source of instability in the region. High profile delegations from several dozen countries are expected to attend.

The regime in Tehran strongly reacted to the conference, summoning the Polish Ambassador and publicly calling for its cancelation, though it failed in its objective. The regime fears that the international community is reaching a consensus that pinning hope on this regime is futile and that they should listen to the voice of the Iranian people for change and look to the alternative to the regime.

Large number of Iranians supporting the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) and People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) will hold a rally on the first day of the conference to voice the desire of the Iranian people and also show their support for the NCRI led by Maryam Rajavi as the democratic alternative to the mullahs’ regime.

Mayor Rudy Giuliani, former Algerian Prime Minister Sid Ahmed Ghozali, former US Senator Robert Torricelli and several Polish Members of Parliament and the Senate will also participate in rally. They will hold a press briefing prior to the rally.

The regime and its destructive conduct has long been an issue of concern. This regime has been engaged in systematic human rights violations at home and export of terrorism and warmongering in the region through its proxies and support for the Assad dictatorship in Syria.

Over the past year, having failed to stop the ongoing anti-regime protests at home, the regime has increasingly resorted to terrorist activities against its main opposition, the MEK and the democratic coalition of the NCRI.

The MEK’s network has played a major role in the uprising and maintaining the pace of anti-regime activities. Throughout 2018, the MEK formed Resistance Units all over the country. This units have been very active in maintaining the pace of the protests and also writings slogans on walls, and burning large posters of Khamenei, the regime’s Supreme leader.

The regime’s officials and state controlled media blame the MEK for the activities of its network and Resistance Units. During the protests in 2018, over 10,000 people were arrested including many MEK activists. According to the state controlled media some of MEK activists have been sentenced to several years for either participating in the protests or writing slogans on the walls.

The MEK, and its network inside the country, remains the nightmare of the mullahs’ regime. The regime is engaged in massive propaganda and disinformation to counter the MEK’s growing popularity at home.

The Iranians gathering in Warsaw will call on the conference and the delegates to strongly condemn the ongoing human rights violations in Iran, adopt a firm policy on the regime, take practical actions against the regime over its terrorism outside Iran, and recognize the right of the Iranian people to overthrow the religious dictatorship ruling Iran. They will also declare their support for Maryam Rajavi’s ten-point plan for a free republic base on separation of religion and state, gender equality and a non-nuclear Iran.

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