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Iran: Ahmadinejad’s Remarks at a seminar entitled “World Without Zionism”

Supporters of Iranian resistance demonstrating Stockholm against mullahs' regimeNCRI, October 28 – The following is an excerpt of remarks by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, mullahs’ president, in a seminar in Tehran entitled “WORLD WITHOUT ZIONISM” on October 26:

“We must see what the real story about Palestine is. Is the conflict in Palestine a war between the Jews, Muslims and non-Jews? Is it a conflict between the Jews and other religions? Is it a war between one country and other countries? Is it a war between one country and the Arab world? It is a dispute limited to Palestine territory? In my view, the answer to all these questions is negative.

“The creation of the occupying regime in Qods [Israel] is a strong action by the ruling arrogant (imperialist) world order against the world of Islam. There continues a historic war between the World Arrogance and the Islamic world, the roots of which go back hundreds of years ago. In this historic, the battleground has shifted repeatedly. For some time, the Muslims had the upper hand and advanced. The World Arrogance was on the retreat. Regrettably, the Islamic world has been on the retreat in the face of the World Arrogance in the past 300 years. Over the past 100 years, the last bastions of the Islamic world have collapsed. The World Arrogance turned the Zionist regime occupying Jerusalem into a staging-ground to dominate the Islamic world. This occupying country is in reality the staging-ground of the World Arrogance in the heart of the Islamic world. They have created a base, from where they can expand their rule over the entire Islamic world; it has no other purpose other than this. The war that is presently going on in Palestine is the frontline of the war of destiny between the Islamic world and the World Arrogance, which will determine the outcome of hundreds of years [of war] in Palestine. Today, as the representative of the Islamic nation, the people of Palestine are standing up to the World Arrogance. With God’s blessing since the Palestinian nation turned to the Islamic struggle, objectives and atmosphere, and applied Islamic behavior and direction on its struggle, we are witness to successes and progress for the Palestinian nation everyday.  The title of your meeting is indeed very valuable. Many sow the seeds of defeat and despair in this intense war between the Islamic world and the blasphemous front and hope to empty the hearts of the world of Islam. Such people wonder whether there would come a day when one would see a world without the United States and ‘Zionism’. This slogan and goal is one which is attainable and could definitely be realized… Our nation remained steadfast. For the past 27 years, we have lived with a government that is not dependent on the United States. The Imam [Khomeini] said the domination of the West and the East must be ended. But weaklings who only saw the tip of their nose did not believe what he said. No one believed that some day we would see the collapse of the Soviet Empire. They used to say it is an iron-clad rule. But we saw its collapse in our life time. That regime collapse so dramatically that we must go to libraries to read about it as there are no signs of it left. Our dear Imam [Ruhollah Khomeini] ordered that the occupying regime in Jerusalem be wiped off the face of the earth. This was a very wise statement. The issue of Palestine is not one which we could compromise on…. Whoever accepts the existence of this entity has signed onto the defeat of the Islamic world.

“In his crusade against the World Arrogance, our dear Imam targeted the central and command base of the enemy, namely the occupying regime in Jerusalem. I have no doubt that the new wave [of attacks] which has started in dear Palestine and which we witness today all over the Islamic world will soon wipe this scourge of shame from the Islamic world. This is doable… For the past 50 years the United States had been trying to give legitimacy to Israel… Twenty-eight years ago, they took an important stride to this end. One country on the frontlines of the war, or Egypt, made the mistake of recognized the Jewish state. We hope it would rectify this error…. With the excuse of having cleared the Gaza Strip to show their good will, they want a group of Muslim nations to recognize this corrupt regime, and I am very hopeful and call on God that the Palestinian people and the dear Palestinian groups will be cautious of such sedition. The issue in Palestine is by no means finished. The Palestinian issue will only be resolved when all of Palestine comes under stringent Palestinian rule. When refugees will have returned to their homes… Of course, those who have come to this land from far away places to plunder it have no right to make a decision for the Palestinian nation. I am hopeful that just as the Palestinian nation continued its struggle for the past ten years, they will continue to keep their awareness and vigilance. The current period is going to be short-lived. If we put it behind us successfully, god willing, it will pave the way for the destruction and the downfall of the Zionist regime. I warn all heads of other Islamic states to beware of the sedition by Israel. If some, who are under pressure by the dominating powers, follow a misguided policy or are naïve, or selfish or have earthly desires, recognize this regime (Israel), they should know that they would be burnt in the fire of the Islamic Ummah (Nation) and will bear an eternal stigma on their foreheads. Look at the world scene. Who are we facing? We must recognize the depth of the enemy’s maliciousness, so as to keep ablaze our sacred hatred and vengeance…. In the streets of Tehran, terrorist groups were murdering the people. Now, they freely come to Congress and your government and you pay for them, while you are claiming to defend human rights."