Iran: Abbe Pierre joins campaign to de-proscribe PMOI

NCRI – The most distinguished and respected French philanthropist figure and the founder of Emmaus International, Abbe Pierre, firmly urged the EU Presidency to remove the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran, who fights bravely for democracy in its homeland, from the list of terrorist organizations.

In a letter addressed to the Austrian Chancellor Wolfgang Schuessel who is the rotating chairman of the European Union, Hon. Abbe Pierre said: "You know very well that I am a former member of the French Resistance and I am sensitive to the goals and objectives of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran who during the past 20 years have been trying to end the injustice and cruelty committed by the Iranian regime.

"I am adding my voice to the voice of those jurists, parliamentarians and conscientious people who oppose the black listing of the Iranian Mojahedin.

"Thousands of these freedom fighters in Iran and Iraq are paying a heavy price every day. The Iranian regime is considering the black listing of its only legitimate opposition as endorsement to go on suppressing the Iranian people. This is in fact an injustice against the Iranian resistance."

He reiterated: "I have known the Iranian Resistance for over 12 years now and can not hide my sincere friendship with them. They are men and women who bravely fight for those values that are the impetus for every member of the resistance movement and every democrat in the world. How can we proscribe and label such an organization as terrorist and place them together with terrorist organizations?"

"I appeal to you, Mr. President, to do your utmost to make sure the European Union would revise its list to allow the PMOI to be recognized as a sociable organization. The Iranian people must be given the chance to freely choose their own freedom and democracy," he concluded.

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