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HomeIran News NowIran Opposition & ResistanceInternational Panel Denounces Iran’s Global Threat, Backs Resistance Movement

International Panel Denounces Iran’s Global Threat, Backs Resistance Movement

On the eve of the Free Iran 2024 World Summit, an eminent panel discussion was organized by Simaye Azadi (Iran NTV), an Iranian dissident satellite network, to highlight the global security threats posed by Tehran and the necessity of supporting the fight against the terrorist regime.

The panel, moderated by former leader of the Canadian Conservative party Candice Bergen, featured prominent figures including John Baird, former Minister of Foreign Affairs from Canada; Struan Stevenson, former Member of the European Parliament; and Tony Clement, former Canadian Minister of the Treasury. The discussion underscored the fraudulent nature of the current Iranian regime’s presidential election and the West’s role in supporting the Iranian people’s quest for democracy.

Candice Bergen opened the discussion, highlighting the democratic processes in Canada and the UK, where elections are free and fair, allowing all citizens, including women and minorities, to run for office. In stark contrast, the panelists pointed out the highly controlled and fraudulent nature of the Iranian election. John Baird stated emphatically, “These aren’t elections. These are sham elections,” emphasizing the lack of freedom and legitimacy in Iran’s political process.

Struan Stevenson provided a historical perspective, noting that 80 individuals initially registered for the presidential race after the death of Ebrahim Raisi, but only four candidates approved by the Supreme Leader remained. He highlighted that one of the candidates, Mustafa Pourmohammadi, a former member of the Death Committees, boasted on television about executing thousands of MEK supporters. Stevenson labeled the election a “circus,” designed to maintain the regime’s grip on power.

Tony Clement described the election process as “cosplay,” suggesting the regime’s desperate attempts to cling to power. He criticized the regime for trying to suppress the Iranian people’s aspirations for peace, justice, and freedom. Bergen and the panelists discussed the regime’s propaganda, such as a van in Tehran bearing slogans to discourage voting, which inadvertently promoted the NCRI and MEK’s cause.

The panel discussed the West’s role in confronting the Iranian regime. John Baird highlighted Canada’s stance, which includes listing the IRGC as a terrorist organization and severing diplomatic ties with Iran. He underscored the IRGC’s global terrorist activities, including the downing of a Ukrainian airliner, resulting in the death of 87 Canadians. Baird called for stronger international condemnation and actions against the IRGC, stressing that Canada had led by example by breaking off diplomatic relations and pushing for more robust measures against the regime’s human rights abuses and support for terrorism.

Tony Clement echoed these sentiments, emphasizing the IRGC’s threat to national security, particularly to Iranian Canadians who live in fear due to the regime’s activities in Canada. He called for more decisive actions from the international community to curb Iran’s influence and support for terrorism globally.

The panelists praised the courage and leadership of Iranian women in the Resistance movement. John Baird noted the significant role of women, from students to retired schoolteachers, in the ongoing protests against the regime. Stevenson recounted the brutal crackdown following the death of Mahsa Amini, which led to nationwide protests led predominantly by women.

The discussion turned to the broader aspirations of the Iranian people for a secular republic, an end to theocracy, and the restoration of human rights and democracy. The panelists emphasized the importance of supporting the Iranian people’s right to self-determination and commended the NCRI’s Ten-Point Plan for its vision of a democratic Iran.

Struan Stevenson stressed the need for moral support from the West, rather than military intervention, to aid the Iranian people in their struggle. The panelists called for the closure of Iranian embassies in the West, accusing them of being used as “bomb factories” for terrorist activities. They highlighted the 2018 plot to bomb an NCRI rally in Paris as evidence of the regime’s use of diplomatic missions for nefarious purposes.

The panel concluded with a strong message of solidarity with the Iranian people and a clear warning about the dangers of opportunism within the resistance movement. Candice Bergen and the panelists emphasized their unwavering support for the Iranian Resistance led by the NCRI and criticized figures like Reza Pahlavi for attempting to hijack the uprising for personal gain. Struan Stevenson warned against being misled by Pahlavi’s opportunistic claims, highlighting the Iranian people’s chants of “No to the mullah, no to the Shah” as a testament to their desire for genuine democracy, free from past or present tyrants. The discussion underscored the importance of international awareness and action in supporting the Iranian people’s fight against a repressive regime and preventing the co-optation of their movement by self-serving individuals.

To delve deeper into these critical discussions and hear directly from the panelists, watch the attached video:

International panel denounces Iranian regime’s global threat, backs Resistance movement- June 2024