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International Conference in Support of Iran’s Resistance Held in Paris 5th District Municipality

On April 30, in a gathering held at the Municipality of the 5th District of Paris, a conference in solidarity with the resistance movement in Iran took place, featuring prominent speakers including Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran.

In addition to Florence Berthout, Mayor of the Paris 5th District, speakers at the conference included Mrs. Michèle Alliot-Marie, former French Minister of Foreign Affairs, Defense, Justice, and Interior; Jean-François Legaret, President of Foundation for Middle Eastern Studies (FEMO) and former Mayor of the 1st District of Paris; Mrs. Ingrid Betancourt, former Colombian Senator and presidential candidate; Mrs. Dominique Attias, Chair of the Board of Directors of the European Lawyers; Pierre-Yves Bournazel, member of the Paris City Council and former member of the French National Assembly; Bruno Mace, Mayor of Villiers-Adam, Jean-Pierre Brard, former MP and former Mayor of Montreuil, and Pierre Bercis, President of the French New Human Rights.

In her address, Mrs. Rajavi highlighted the unprecedented acceleration of executions by the Iranian regime, with 49 prisoners executed and a significant number sentenced to death in just the past 11 days. She underscored that these rulings epitomize the regime’s recent crackdown on women, aimed at addressing the crises engulfing the regime.

“For more than four decades, this misogynistic regime has waged war against the people of Iran,” Mrs. Rajavi remarked. ” Tens of thousands of women have endured torture and execution over the years, with 30,000 political prisoners massacred in 1988 alone. In November 2019, 1,500 young protesters, and in the 2022 uprising, 750 demonstrators were killed by the Iranian religious dictatorship. Despite these atrocities, the regime has failed to crush the unwavering spirit of the Iranian people.”

She pointed out the regime’s suppression of women as a means to hold society hostage but emphasized that the people and the resistance have responded with a resounding “No to compulsory veiling, no to compulsory religion, and no to compulsory government.” Brave young men and women are courageously fighting against the Revolutionary Guards in resistance centers.

“After four decades of enduring tests and tribulations, women have emerged as the driving force of the Resistance,” Mrs. Rajavi declared. “The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), the pivotal organization of the Resistance, is led by a Central Council composed entirely of women.”

Facing the expanding resistance in society, the regime has intensified its campaign of misinformation and false information against the resistance, the NCRI President-elect added.

“The aim of this demonization campaign is to convince foreign parties that there is no alternative,” Mrs. Rajavi stated. “This pretext is given to those advocating appeasement policies toward the Iranian regime. A policy that jeopardizes peace and security in the Middle East and the world.”

“The propaganda that aims to convince foreign parties that there is no alternative against this regime and that the Iranian people are left with a false dichotomy: either the mullahs or reverting to the era of the Shah. This narrative provides a pretext for those who advocate appeasing the regime, a policy that jeopardizes peace and security in the Middle East and beyond,” she asserted.

In her address at the Pantheon, Michèle Alliot-Marie illuminated the dire situation unfolding in Iran, painting a vivid picture of a regime relentless in its pursuit of power and indifferent to the suffering of its people. She underscored the global ramifications of the regime’s actions, noting its destabilizing influence across the Middle East and its concerning collaborations with nations like North Korea.

The former French Minister’s condemnation of the regime’s crackdown on dissent, particularly targeting women and advocates for freedom, resonated with urgency. She emphasized the staggering increase in executions and instances of torture, revealing a regime growing increasingly tyrannical in the face of rising resistance.

Despite the grim realities, Mrs. Alliot-Marie found hope in the unwavering spirit of those fighting for freedom in Iran and called on world leaders to stand in solidarity with their cause. In echoing Mrs. Rajavi’s plea for consistency in defending human rights, Mrs. Alliot-Marie issued a clarion call for action, urging nations to align their rhetoric with their actions and unequivocally support the Iranian people in their quest for liberty and justice.

Florence Berthout welcomed NCRI President-elect and other distinguished guests at the meeting. Expressing deep honor at Mrs. Rajavi’s presence, Berthout recalled previous encounters, including certain conferences in 2017 and an exhibition on crimes committed by the Iranian and the Syrian regimes.

In her address, Berthout emphasized the plight of women as primary victims of the oppressive regime in Iran, citing the tragic assassination of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini in 2022. She also highlighted the ongoing repression in Iran, with reports of summary executions continuing to shock the world.

Jean-François Legaret underscored the urgency of the moment, emphasizing the escalating horror of executions and sentences in Iran, with 39 executions in the last ten days alone.

The former Mayor of Paris’s 1st District condemned the Iranian regime’s prioritization of power and domination over the well-being of its people, citing decades of tyranny, torture, and a relentless police regime. He called for the fall of the regime and the establishment of a democratic republic embodying respect, humanity, and justice.

Highlighting the significant role of women in the Iranian resistance, Mr. Legaret praised their courage and determination. He emphasized the need to educate the international community about the true nature of the Iranian regime, which he asserted does not represent the Iranian people’s aspirations for freedom and democracy.

The FEMO President advocated for a transition to democracy, rejecting both the previous monarchical rule and the current theocratic regime in favor of republican principles. He underscored the importance of instilling these values in a future democratic Iran.

In her address, Mrs. Ingrid Betancourt expressed solidarity with Mrs. Rajavi and her relentless struggle against the oppressive regime in Iran. She commended Mrs. Rajavi for her extraordinary courage in confronting one of the most misogynistic regimes globally, that of the mullahs.

Highlighting the growing influence of the Iranian regime in Colombia, the former Colombian Senator underscored the alarming parallels between the situations in Iran and Venezuela, stressing the need for global attention to prevent similar crises in Colombia. She emphasized the role of drug trafficking as a significant factor driving Tehran’s interests in Latin America.

Mrs. Betancourt reiterated warnings issued by the Iranian Resistance over the past two decades regarding the regime’s pursuit of nuclear weapons. She criticized Western politicians, academics, and journalists for downplaying these warnings, cautioning against Tehran’s apologists who sell the idea of reformism inside Iran while enabling extremist elements’ rise to power.

In conclusion, Betancourt advocated for support for the Iranian Resistance as the best strategy to counter the oppressive regime’s ambitions. She characterized the Iranian clerics as a terrorist regime and emphasized the importance of standing with the Resistance and opposition forces in Iran against their relentless pursuit of domination.

Dominique Attias highlighted the longstanding history of resistance among Iranian women, dating back over a century to their struggles against British colonialism and the dictatorship of the Shah. Attias also condemned the brutal repression faced by Iranian women today, including imprisonment and violence at the hands of the regime.

Chair of the Board of Directors at the European Lawyers Foundation honored the memory of the regime’s victims, who courageously spoke out against injustice and paid the ultimate price for their convictions. She emphasized the determination of Iranian women to resist oppression, despite the risks they face. Mrs. Attias noted the recent surge of protests in Iran, where people are demanding an end to the regime’s oppressive policies, particularly targeting the morality police.

Drawing inspiration from the persistent fight of female leaders in the Iranian Resistance, Attias explained how she came up with the slogan ‘Women, resistance, freedom,’ and expressed pride and emotion at seeing the slogan reflected in the fight of Iranian women. She praised the leadership of Mrs. Rajavi and predicted the eventual downfall of the ruling clerics.

Jean-Pierre Brard likened the clerical dictators in Iran to monstrous entities with no room for compromise. Drawing parallels with historical figures like Joan of Arc and contemporary icons such as Lucie Aubrac and Simone Veil, Brard emphasized the importance of supporting an alternative to the oppressive regime led by Mrs. Rajavi and her brothers and sisters in the Iranian Resistance.

He warned against those who seek to maintain the status quo under different labels and highlighted the global reach of the regime’s violence, referencing an attack on former European Parliament VP Prof. Alejo Vidal Quadras in Madrid. The former MP urged vigilance against the regime’s tactics, emphasizing the need to stand in solidarity with those who resist tyranny, both within Iran and abroad.

Pierre-Yves Bournazel expressed unwavering support for the Iranian people’s fight for freedom during his address. He reminisced about his tenure as an MP, affirming his continued commitment to defending the freedom of the Iranian people.

Asserting the need for clarity and action, the former MP emphasized Paris’s role in championing the cause of the Iranian people, who have been subjected to brutal suppression by theocratic regime. He underscored the universal value of freedom, citing the recent massacres and protests in Iran as poignant reminders of the Iranian people’s cry for liberty.

In his address, Bruno Mace commended the resilience exemplified by the esteemed attendees, emphasizing the pivotal role of women, freedom, and resistance in today’s discourse. He lauded the NCRI’s four-decade-long fight for justice and liberty, particularly championing the cause of women in the face of oppression.

Addressing the brutal tactics employed by the regime, Mace condemned the alarming rate of executions and the suppression of dissent, notably targeting women. Despite adversity, he highlighted the unwavering resolve of Iranian activists and the symbolic significance of Ashraf 3, a beacon of resistance.

Mace concluded by reaffirming his support for the NCRI’s efforts to combat religious fascism and champion women’s rights. He expressed hope for the eventual overthrow of the misogynistic regime, underscoring the indomitable spirit of women leading the charge for change.

Pierre Bercis highlighted his four-decade-long support for the Resistance in Iran, emphasizing the urgent need for action. Drawing parallels between Argentina and Iran, he underscored the shared struggle for democracy and justice in both nations. Bercis urged swift action in support of the resistance movement in Iran and called upon lawyers to mobilize and advocate for the Iranian cause at the International Criminal Court. He emphasized the urgency of the situation and reaffirmed his unwavering belief in the power of law, democracy, and peace to effect change.