International Center for Islamic Studies in Qom (ICISQ)

A new recruitment center for training and dispatching terrorists to other Islamic countries

By: Reza Shafa
Recently, at the order of the Iranian regime’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei a new organ has been set up to recruit and train young men to carry out terrorist operations in other Islamic countries, NCRI has learnt.

Once the targeted individual has been recruited for the job, he will be sent to ICISQ for receiving both ideological and military trainings. Upon completion of their preparations, the young recruits will be drafted into the Quds Force to carry out their missions in the Islamic capitals.

As early as last month, some of the graduates have already been dispatched to Iraq via southwestern Iranian border villages in Khuzistan Province. This area is a no man’s land between Iran and Iraq mostly filled with marshes easily crossed without being noticed by the border guards.

Hossein Eshqi, a senior officer with the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) is overlooking the whole operation in the ICISQ.  

Simultaneous with ICISQ, Hezbollah’s military wing in Beqaa Valley began concentrated military trainings in its bases in April. To provide logistical support including new surface-to-surface missiles for the parallel training operation in the valley, the IRGC set aside enough funds to facilitate the weapon consignments through its traditional route: the Syrian territory.

It is widely believed that ICSQ and its sister military wing, Hezbollah, have been training suicide bombers which eventually will end up in places like streets of Baghdad.   

Reza Shafa is an expert on the Iranian regime’s intelligence networks, both in Iran and abroad. He has done extensive research on VAVAK (MOIS), IRGC’s Intelligence Office, and Quds Force among others. Currently he is a contributor to NCRI website.

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