Thursday, July 18, 2024
HomeIran News NowIran Opposition & ResistanceInfographic on Democratic Iranian Opposition Gathering in Paris

Infographic on Democratic Iranian Opposition Gathering in Paris


‘Be a Part of the worldwide Movement’ is the title of an infogrphic distributed online highlighting the largest Iranian opposition gathering against the regime in Tehran.

The infographic reads: “On June 13th the largest gathering of activists, government leaders, dissidents and religious groups against the brutal Iran regime will take place in Paris, France. The resistance movement has:

Endured huge losses and made enormous sacrifices over the past 36 year in the struggle for freedom and democracy in Iran.

Since 1993, called for a tolerant Islam in opposition to Islamic extremism the biggest global challenge to peace today.

Source of inspiration for the movement for democratic change in Iran.

Originally uncovered the existence of Iran´s secret nuclear program.

Release uncensored video and news on demonstrations and protests in Iran.

Provide humanitarian groups with documentation on human rights abuses and torture in Iran.

Serve as a parliament in exile for Iranians worldwide working towards a free Iran.”

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