In Loving Memory of Professor Raymond Tanter, a Friend in the Most Dire of Times

Raymond Tanter Urges U.S. to Blacklist Iran’s Intelligence Ministry

In the realm of official titles and political positions, Professor Raymond Tanter was celebrated as a former National Security Council staff member under US President Ronald Reagan and a distinguished professor of political science at Georgetown University. However, to the Iranian people and their organized Resistance movement, he transcended his titles, emerging as a steadfast advocate during the most challenging of circumstances.

Professor Raymond Tanter was not just an accomplished political scientist; he was a relentless champion of justice, freedom, and the Iranian people’s aspirations for a brighter future. His life’s work was a testament to his dedication to the cause of a free and democratic Iran.

From the inception of his career, Professor Tanter’s scholarly pursuits were guided by a deep sense of responsibility. He understood the urgency of uniting opposition groups to form a robust coalition. In 2005, after years of academic research and due diligence, he stressed that the Iranian regime feared the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK) 350 percent more than all other opposition groups combined. This revelation highlighted the importance of unity among opposition forces.

Professor Tanter’s dedication extended beyond academic research. He actively engaged with the Iranian Resistance, especially with the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi.

In 2005, Professor Tanter’s deep sense of empathy led him to meet with Mrs. Rajavi and several mothers of MEK martyrs in Paris. This poignant encounter left a lasting impression on him.

His tireless advocacy for the Iranian people extended to their plight in Ashraf. He visited Ashraf City in Iraq on numerous occasions, including in October 2008, just before the US relinquished its commitment to protect its residents. There, he addressed the Iraqis who were having meetings at Ashraf.

Following the relocation of the MEK members to Ashraf 3, Professor Tanter made trips to Albania and delivered speeches on the anniversary of the 2013 massacre of Ashraf residents by Iraqi forces at the behest of the Iranian regime. His unwavering support for the MEK and the residents of Ashraf-3 was a testament to his commitment to justice.

During his illustrious career, Professor Tanter orchestrated numerous press conferences aimed at illuminating the Iranian regime’s nuclear and missile programs, as well as its sponsorship of terrorism. His efforts played a pivotal role in bringing international attention to the regime’s nefarious activities. His name is widely referenced in a plethora of studies, conference transcripts, and media reports available online. Together with members of the Iranian Resistance, he tirelessly endeavored to rouse global consciousness regarding Tehran’s malevolent and perilous actions on the world stage.

Professor Tanter’s passing leaves a void in the community of scholars and advocates for a free Iran. His legacy will forever remind us of the importance of unity, resilience, and unwavering dedication in the pursuit of justice and freedom.

May his memory continue to inspire us in the ongoing struggle for a free Iran.

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