In Downing St rally: Iranian Demonstrators called on Tony Blair to support NCRI

NCRI, November 2 – British Prime Minister Tony Blair, speaking for the European Union, reacted furiously to a call by Iran’s hardline President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad for Israel to be "wiped off the map,” according to a report by AFP.

During the weekly question-and-answer session on Wednesday, he said: "The Iranian government has got to understand that the international community simply will not put up with their continued breach of the proper and normal standards of behaviour that we expect from a member of the United Nations."
"The statements by the Iranian president in respect of Israel are completely and totally
unacceptable," he reiterated.
"This is something we want to discuss with other allies and with other members of the Security Council,” he emphasized and added: “Iran has to realise that the international community cannot tolerate continuing conduct that is supporting terrorism around the world, that is supporting terrorism not just in the Middle East but elsewhere, that is in breach of its nuclear weapons responsibilities and obligations under the atomic energy authority.”
Meanwhile, supporters of the National Council of Resistance of Iran held a rally outside Downing Street to condemn Ahmadinejad’s remarks about Israel, human rights in Iran and the country’s nuclear programme, said AFP.
A delegation then handed in a petition to urge Blair to stand firm against the hardline regime and support "the struggle of the Iranian people and their resistance for freedom and democracy".
They also called for Mr Blair to take "decisive action" on Iran’s nuclear non-compliance to the UN Security Council and impose sanctions.
Participants in the rally also called on the British Prime Minister to remove of the People’s Mojahedin of Iran, the main Iranian opposition movement, from the list of proscribed organizations in Britain.

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