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HomeIran News NowIran Opposition & ResistanceHundreds of Iranain associations support Maryam Rajavi Ten-point Plan for future Iran

Hundreds of Iranain associations support Maryam Rajavi Ten-point Plan for future Iran

NCRI – Hundreds of Iranian communities and associations world over took part in a number of major conferences and seminars since beginning of 2014 expressing their support for the Ten-point Plan for future Iran presented by Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the Iranian Resistance.

Many international dignitaries also expressed their support for Maryam Rajavi’s program for a free and democratic Iran.

Convention of over 300 Iranian associations held in Paris

On February 8, representatives of over 300 Iranian associations from all over the world held their first universal convention in Paris.

This convention encompassed a wide range of intellectuals, political and human rights activists, women’s rights activists, scientists, experts, entrepreneurs of many professions, and students, as well as ethnic and religious minorities from Iran.

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, and a number of prominent politicians from the United States and Europe offered their speeches to this convention.

Representatives of the associations and the societies participating in the convention referred to the 35-year miserable record of the rule of the mullahs in Iran in their speeches, as well as in the declaration of the convention and declared that the sole avenue to establish democracy and freedom in Iran is through the downfall of the mullahs’ regime in its entirety and the establishment of a democratic republic based on the separation of the church and the state.

Representatives stressed that they support the 10-point platform of Mrs. Maryam Rajavi for the establishment of a democratic and secular regime in Iran.
Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance was the key speaker to this grand convention.

In her speech, Maryam Rajavi described the past 35 years of rule of the Velayat-e faqih regime as a “never-ending story of catastrophes”.

Rajavi reiterated that this regime is a defeated system and is at the end of its rope in all respects and the Iranian society stands ready to change this regime.

Maryam Rajavi added that our roadmap for realizing the demands of the Iranian people is to struggle for the overthrow of the clerical regime on all fronts. Our goal is freedom, democracy, equality and the establishment of a republic based on the separation of church and state. On this path, we highlight the demarcation with the regime in its entirety and we also stress solidarity with all those true defenders of overthrowing the regime.

International conference on the occasion of International Women’s Day

On Saturday, March 1, participants in an international conference in Paris on the occasion of the International Women’s Day warned of the role of the Iranian regime in spreading the Islamic fundamentalism throughout the region and the globe.

The conference was held at the presence of Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, and a great number of prominent political, social and art figures, as well as human rights and women’s rights activists from five continents and delegations representing dozens of Iranian women’s associations and organizations throughout Europe and the United States.

Addressing the conference Mrs. Maryam Rajavi said: the ideal of equality is alive, but not just because of depravations, humiliations and oppression. Because a generation of women has arisen to overthrow dictatorships in Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Yemen, Ukraine, Syria and Iraq; women who are intent on toppling the religious dictatorship ruling Iran.

Rajavi added: The Islamic fundamentalism thrives on inequality while continuously causing oppression and discrimination. Therefore, if the regime were to abandon misogyny, the ruling theocracy would collapse. Thus, neither Khatami nor Rouhani, who launched a charm offensive of reform and moderation, did not and do not even get close to easing the oppression and subjugation of Iranian women. Because doing so would mean the beginning of the end of the regime.

Gathering 60 Iranian associations in Nordic countries

Supporters of free Iran in Nordic nations have called for the overthrow of the theocratic regime as the only way to ensure freedom and democracy for the nation’s people.

Delegates at a gathering in Oslo also backed Iranian Resistance president-elect Maryam Rajavi’s ten-point plan for the establishment of human rights and a secular system in Iran.

Maryam Rajavi told the conference: “Out of an impasse, Khamenei and his regime were forced to take a serious setback in their 20-year massive investment to attain the nuclear bomb.

“However, since Khamenei is well aware of the destructive consequences of giving up the nuclear projects, in distancing himself from the negotiations he is trying to keep the option of overturning the negotiations although any return from this path would doubly take his regime into the abyss of destruction.”

Maryam Rajavi said Western governments should not back down from the Security Council resolutions, including a complete halt to the enrichment, the Additional Protocol, and stopping the missile program – which would make it possible for the regime to obtain a nuclear weapon.

Iranian youths back Maryam Rajavi solution for regime change

On April 12, Iranian youth movements declared their support Maryam Rajavi’s ten-point platform for regime change as the only solution for the country’s future.

Representatives of 43 Iranian youth associations meeting in Paris also demanded that Iran’s seat at the United Nations be given to the Iranian Resistance.

They condemned human rights abuses under Hassan Rouhani and demanded protection for Camp Liberty, the release of the seven Ashraf hostages and an independent inquiry by the UN into the September 1, 2013, massacre at Camp Ashraf.

A statement by the Communities of Iranian Youth praised members of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) in Camp Liberty as a source of ‘inspiration and motivation’ for Iranian youth, and ‘a cause of fear for the clerical regime’.

They emphasized, “We consider a change of the regime as the sole path for Iran to thwart its present crisis and we therefore declare our support for the 10-point platform of Mrs. Rajavi.”

Mrs. Rajavi called the extensive presence of the representatives of Iranian youth associations in this rally as a clear message to the Iranians and the international community and said: “The message is that the Iranian youth are resolute in bringing down the religious dictatorship and establishing freedom and democracy.” Addressing the youth she added, “You, the youth who have risen today in resistance and uprising, are Iran’s future.”