Happy Iranian New Year – Nowrouz


Happy Nowrouz from all of us to the many friends, supporters, and well-wishers of a free and democratic Iran and the Iranian Resistance movement.

We hope for a free prosperous Iran in this coming year, where all vestiges of the current ruling regime’s inhuman oppression, execution, torture, religious and gender based discrimination, export of terrorism, and support for dictators and oppressors around the world, will be washed away, and where Iranians will be free to enjoy the potentials of their inalienable right to life, liberty, and prosperity.

We wish for the safety of the brave members of PMOI residing in Camp Ashraf and Camp Liberty, who have sacrificed much to bring freedom and democracy to their beloved country and are today the source of inspiration for all Iranians.

We also extend our prayers for peace and tranquility for all of our sisters and brothers in the region. Particularly our Syrian sisters and brothers, and hail their heroic resistance against Assad’s dictatorship. We pray that soon all their endeavors will bear fruit and the region’s peoples, free from dictators, will realize their full human potential and herald peace and friendship throughout the world.

With God’s Grace and all of our efforts and sacrifices for freedom, this shall be the year of Victory for the Iranian people and the peoples of the region.

Nowrouz 1392

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