Gross abuses of human rights in Iran condemned in Torronto meeting

NCRI – In a seminar in Toronto, Canada, the horrifying state of human rights in Iran was addressed by a number of Canadian human rights activists and parliamentarians.

Speakers expressed outrage at the deteriorating situation under the clerical rule. Participants were shocked by video clips of public hangings and the brutal suppression of young people and women across Iran.

Speakers included the Liberal member of the Canadian House of Commons, Mrs. Yasmin Ratansi; Mrs. Monique August, Vice-chair of the International Federation of Women Against Fundamentalism and for Equality, and the head of language department of Edmonton University, and David Levi, human rights activist.

Mrs. Ratansi, speaking on behalf of the Canadian Liberal Party, condemned human rights violations in Iran and praised the role of Iranian women, particularly Muslim women in their fight against fundamentalism. She concluded her speech by wishing success for Iranian Resistance and its President-elect Mrs. Maryam Rajavi.
In a message to the seminar, Paul Forseth, former Conservative MP, also expressed his support for the Iranian Resistance, in particular the PMOI and its members in Ashraf City in Iraq.

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