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HomeIran News NowIran Opposition & ResistanceGov. Ed Rendell tells "Free Iran" rally: No question, you will see...

Gov. Ed Rendell tells “Free Iran” rally: No question, you will see a free Iran


NCRI – Ed Rendell, former chairman of the U.S. Democratic National Committee, sent a message of support to the Iranian Resistance’s annual “Free Iran” rally in Paris on July 9.

Mr. Rendell, a former governor of Pennsylvania, said: “I wanted to say how sorry I am that I could not be with you this year. But as some of you may know I am the chairman of the host committee for the Democratic National Convention here in Philadelphia, which is going to be held in a few days.”

“But I wanted to tell you that my commitment is as strong as it has ever been — in fact, even stronger. First, my commitment is to all of you to help you some day see a free Iran. I believe that we’ll achieve that one day; thanks to your commitment and the leadership of Maryam Rajavi. There’s no question in my mind that we will live to see a free and prosperous Iran again. I also wanted to tell you that our commitment to the wonderful people in Camp Liberty is as strong as it has ever been.”

Gov. Rendell was referring to members of the main Iranian democratic opposition group People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI or MEK) who have faced repeated attacks in Camp Liberty, Iraq, by terrorist militias affiliated to the Iranian regime. The group were previously attacked several times at their former home in Camp Ashraf, Iraq.

Gov. Rendell said: “The United States gave you a commitment, and I believe that we have a legal obligation as well as a moral obligation to protect the safety of the residents of Ashraf who are now in Liberty. We, the American friends of the MEK will keep the pressure on to make sure that we do it without any further bloodshed.”

“I want the residents of Liberty to know that what you did in Ashraf and what you’re doing in Liberty, the way you’ve conducted yourselves and the way you’ve stayed in there under tremendous pressure has been a beacon for people all over the world. You’ve gained the admiration and respect of not only the people in America but throughout the world,” he added.

A portion of Gov. Rendell’s remarks to the conference were published by The Washington Times.

Tens of thousands of Iranians and their international supporters attended the “Free Iran” rally in Paris on July 9, which saw international support for the 10-point plan of Iranian opposition leader Mrs. Maryam Rajavi for a future free and democratic Iran.