Germany’s Domestic Security Agency: Iran’s Regime Continues Targeting Dissidents Abroad, Particularly the MEK

Germany’s Department for the Protection of the Constitution

Germany’s Department for the Protection of the Constitution, Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz (BfV), in its latest annual report pointed out the Iranian regime has been continuing to spy on and oppress Iranian dissidents, particularly those affiliated with the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI / MEK) both inside and outside Iran.

The Department for the Protection of the Constitution’s website on Friday published its 2019 report. This report highlighted: “As in the past, the Iranian intelligence services continue to spy on and suppress opposition movements and actors at home and abroad. In addition, the services gather political, military, industrial and scientific intelligence in Western countries. The main organisation behind activities targeting Germany continues to be the Ministry of Intelligence (VAJA, usually rendered as MOIS). As well as MOIS, the Quds Force, a special intelligence unit of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, is active in Germany.”

While referring to the Iranian regime’s failed bomb plot against the National Council of Resistance of Iran’s annual “Free Iran” gathering on June 30, 2018 in Paris, and the subsequent arrest of the regime’s so-called “diplomat” Asadollah Assadi, the report read: “As reported in the 2018 Annual Report on the Protection of the Constitution, on 1 July 2018, a diplomat accredited with the Iranian Embassy in Vienna was arrested in Germany on a European arrest warrant issued by the Belgian law enforcement authorities. The diplomat, a suspected MOIS agent, is accused of masterminding a planned bombing of an annual gathering in France of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (MEK, Mujahedeen-e-Khalq) in Villepinte, near Paris, on 30 June 2018. The Iranian diplomat is thought to have recruited a Belgian husband and wife of Iranian origin as agents to carry out the bombing. The suspect was extradited to Belgium in early October 2018.”

“In response to this planned attack, on 8 January 2019 the EU placed a division of MOIS, the Iranian diplomat accused of masterminding the attack, and a former MOIS deputy minister, on the EU terrorist list. In its decision, the Foreign Affairs Council stated that the above-mentioned persons and agencies were involved in terrorist activities,” read the report.

Referring to the active role of the Mahan Air airline – affiliated to the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) – in transferring weapons to Syria and its subsequent designation for participation in terrorism, the report added: “In addition, on 21 January 2019 the Federal Government suspended the licence of Iranian airline Mahan Air to operate flights to and from Germany. This measure was a response to the airline’s operations in the Syrian war zone and to Iran’s espionage activities.”

In another part, this report refers to the regime’s ongoing cyber activities against the NCRI and the MEK. “Iran’s potential to carry out cyber operations has increased significantly in recent years, leading to increased activity of Iranian hackers against targets in the country and abroad. The primary targets are in the administration and government, business, science and research, and dissident and opposition groups,” read the report.

Germany’s Department for the Protection of the Constitution has repeatedly warned about the spying activities of the Iranian regime’s secret services against the Iranian dissidents and opposition groups. The MEK and NCRI are the primary victims of these attacks.

This report once again confirms the Iranian Resistance’s saying that the only way to stop the ominous phenomenon of terrorism, which is guided by the Iranian regime, in Germany, is closing the Iranian regime’s embassy in this country. This embassy is a center for spreading terrorism and Islamic fundamentalism. The Iranian regime’s agents and spies should be expelled from Germany.


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