French MPs demand protection for Camp Liberty residents and call for a free Iran

NCRI – French MPs have demanded that the United Nations and UNHCR urgently return Iranian dissidents in Camp Liberty to their former home of Ashraf.

The lawmakers also hailed Iranian Resistance leader Maryam Rajavi’s ten-point point for democratic change and respect for human rights in Iran.

A declaration signed by the majority of the French National Assembly and presented to Mrs Rajavi said: “We demand the UNHCR and UN to urgently return the residents of Liberty to Ashraf. They are opposition refugees of the Iranian regime and have recently been the target of a deadly rocket attack.

“Due to the vast size of Ashraf and concrete buildings and safe areas, it guarantees greater protection for them.”

The MPs also condemned the execution in Iran of 120,000 political prisoners in the past three decades, the majority being members of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran, and the brutal suppression of the 2009 and 2010 public uprisings in the regime.

They also blamed the two latest massacres of Liberty residents on the Government of Iraq, acting on the orders of the Iranian regime.

They described Iran’s social climate as ‘explosive’ and riddled with widespread economic, social and political discontent against the religious fascism ruling the country – which gives it support to Syria’s dictatorship and has participated in the massacre of the Syrian people.

But they praised the decisions of the European Court of Justice, different courts in the UK, EU and US for removing the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) from the terrorist list last year.

They also gave their full backing to Mrs Rajavi’s ten-point plan for, ‘political and social freedom, full gender equality, separation of State and Religion, judicial independence, banning brutal punishments including execution, adhering to the UN charter and the world declaration on Human Rights and international mandates and conventions, and having relations with all countries, respecting the UN charter and a non-nuclear Iran’.

They added: “We the representatives of the National Assembly demand the Government of France and the EU to support the ten-point plan of President Maryam Rajavi which defends world values and recognize the Iranian Resistance for establishing basic freedom and democracy in Iran.”

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