French mayor backs NY protest against Ahmadinejad

NCRI – The mayor of the French town of Auvers-sur-Oise has become the latest political figure to send a declaration of support for a large protest scheduled by Iranian exiles in New York City against the presence of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

The Iranian regime’s firebrand president is scheduled to speak at the gathering of world leaders at the UN General Assembly this week. The protest is scheduled for Thursday.

In his message, Jean-Pierre Becquet also called on the US government to protect the residents of Camp Ashraf, where more than 3,400 Iranian dissidents reside.

The town of Auvers-sur-Oise is the famous resting place of the renowned artist Vincent van Goh.

Describing the Iranian regime as “the most cruel dictatorship in the world,” the mayor highlighted torture, executions, stoning, and other flagrant human rights violations by the mullahs, and said the Iranian people are determined to create a better future by attaining freedom.

He specifically referred to the residents of Camp Ashraf, members of the main Iranian opposition People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), saying, “I am especially thinking of my friends in Ashraf; thousands of freedom fighters whose ability to maintain their organization is truly astonishing. They are now faced with many threats.”

Mr. Becquet called on the US government to avoid leaving the residents’ fate at the hands of Iraqi militias and forces with ties to a hostile Iranian regime.

“I call on the US government to assume the responsibility to protect the residents’ lives, security and rights.”

The French mayor also called the Iranian regime’s attempts to attain nuclear weapons as a “real threat for a sensitive region in the world.”

“That is why all democrats in the world must join forces and fight for a democratic and free Iran. This is a wish that I have formulated in a short message hoping that thousands of Iranians and friends of Iran will participate in the rally in New York to help make this ideal into reality,” he added.

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