French Human Rights League calls for dismissal of Iranian political refugees’ case

NCRI – The French Human Rights League (HRL) in a statement today called for an end to the inequitable pursuits of the Iranian refugees in France.  The HRL underlined the necessity of implementing the EU court ruling on Mojahedin of Iran.

English Translation of statement by the French Human Rights League:

Statement of the French League of the Human Rights
Paris, June 26, 2007

Four years after the "raid" of June 17th, 2003 ordered by the anti-terrorist section of the Public Prosecutor’s Office of Paris against members and sympathizers of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, the Human Rights League (HRL)  witnesses a swamped investigation undoubtedly characterized by its strong political motivation  from the very beginning and  lack of legal basis .

The allegation of terrorism, strongly publisized in the media, did not resist the examination. While the Public Prosecutor’s Office and the investigative judges constantly referred to the inclusion of the PMOI on the EU list of terrorist organizations in May, 2002, the HRL underlines the necessity of seeking all the consequences at a national level of the judgment on December 12th, 2006 by the First Instance court of the European communities which implies inevitably the removal of this listing.

The Public Prosecutor office has been trying for months in vain to discover breaches of common law concerning financial irregularities in order to delay a dismissal of the case which is imperative.

Moreover, HRL condemns the violent stabbing of June 17th, which several Iranian refuges among them sympathizers of the NCRI in Paris were the victims. It also realizes that one of the aggressors charged and being prosecuted for «deliberate inflicting injuries with weapons in meeting», known for its links with the Iranian authorities, is one of the witnesses heard by the DST in the judicial inquiry on the PMOI.

The LDH calls on the French authorities to avoid any cooperation between French agencies and intelligence apparatus of a regime which does not does not respect the rule of law, and to put an end to the inequitable pursuits of  the Iranian refugees who are being persecuted by this regime.

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