Free nations must support the Iranian people and their Resistance – Congressman Lacy Clay

NCRI- Congressman William Lacy Clay, Democrat from Missouri, in a video message to the gathering of 70,000 Iranians in Paris on June 28, 2008, called on the free nations of the world to support the Iranian people and their Resistance for democratic change in Iran.

Congressman Clay said that the political rational behind the blacklisting of the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) has been exposed and nullified, no longer there is any reasonable or legal justification to impose limitations on the Iranian Resistance.

NCRI- Congressman William Lacy Clay, Democrat from Missouri, in a video message to the gathering of 70,000 Iranians in Paris on June 28, 2008, called on the free nations of the world to support the Iranian people and their Resistance for democratic change in Iran.

Congressman Clay said that the political rational behind the blacklisting of the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) has been exposed and nullified, no longer there is any reasonable or legal justification to impose limitations on the Iranian Resistance.

Text of video Message by U.S. Congressman William Lacy Clay, Democrat from Missouri

June 28, 2008

Dear Friends,
It is my pleasure to address your assembly today. 
I want you to know that I am with you in spirit as you gather to focus attention on the escalating human rights violations in Iran. You have come together to support and encourage freedom, democracy and human rights. You have come together to register your support for freedom, democracy, and human rights and to ask the free nations of the world to support the Iranian people and their resistance and to urge that there be no more appeasement of tyranny.

By your actions today you are also helping to guide the global battle against extremist Islam. We in the United States Congress recognize the dangerous path Iran has chosen. It is a path that can lead to military conflict, but we are hoping to avoid conflict and to this end have placed sanctions on Iran’s financial transactions and its terrorist activities.

Now as the world community is focused on Iran’s efforts to develop nuclear weapons the regime has stepped up its regressive policies. A vicious campaign has been mounted against innocent Iranians. According to amnesty internationals 2007 report freedom of expression inside Iran is more and more inhibited. Journalist and web-bloggers have been detained and sentenced to prison and at least eleven newspapers have been shuttered.

Inside Iran there is ongoing harassment and intimidation of women, trade unionists, academics, members of religions minorities, and others who seek only to express their beliefs. The US state department most recent report indicates that Iran’s already poor human rights record has worsened since 2007 and that it remains the most active, state sponsor of terrorism.

It is also now well documented that Iran’s meddling in Iraq has undermined all efforts to bring about a stable government. The turmoil in Iraq is not likely to end until there is secular democracy in Iran as those in the Iranian resistance have long understood, the Iranian regime does not desire a stable or sovereign Iraq. Iran has spent billions of dollars to foment violence in Iraq that has cost the lives of thousands of Iraqis and Americans.

With the help of anti fundamentalists and secular Iranian resistance members living in Ashraf, Iraqis are standing up to Iran and its terrorist revolutionary guards. Iraq’s leaders are confronting Islamic extremism coming into Iraq from Iran.

A few days ago, for example, over 3 million Iraqi Shiites called for the eviction of Iranian regime members, making it clear that they are not allied with Iran.

I applaud your actions in support of democracy in Iran. Your efforts are especially significant now that the British courts have acknowledged the legitimacy of your organized resistance led by the Mojahedin [the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK)].

I was pleased when your brave resistance leaders, the people’s Mojahedin of Iran [MEK] was removed from the British list of terrorist organizations. Until now this issue has limited your effectiveness, as it has been in the forefront of western dialogue about Iran and given strength to that oppressive regime.  Now, with Iran’s definite nuclear stands continue exportations of terrorism the political rational behind the Mojahedin [MEK]  blacklisting has been exposed and nullified. No longer is there any reasonable or legal justification to diminish the influence of your resistance.

I congratulate you as the British appeals court ruling offers hope for even bigger victory for the Iranian people and now the status of the Mojahedin in the US and EU system should be clarified and the United States should follow suit and remove the unjust limitations placed on the Mojahedin.

I hope you will be evermore vigilant in speaking out against the human rights crisis in Iran and evermore vocal in supporting the Iranian people in their opposition to the ruling regime.

Those who protest inside Iran and the organized resistance outside Iran must remain united in order to overcome the remaining obstacles to a free Iranian nation.

Mrs. Rajavi is committed to helping prevent a disastrous war and the Iranian people are allied with those who pursue peace. The organized Iranian resistance has promised to bring about democratic change in Iran. I share your vision of democratic rule in Iran, rest assured that peace is attainable. In closing let me wish you the best in your struggle for peace, freedom and democracy.

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