Free Iran March Urges UK Govt to Declare the Revolutionary Guards a Terror Group – Report

Free Iran March Urges UK Govt to Declare the Revolutionary Guards a Terror Group - Report

Arab News has covered the : Brian Binley UK regime to “abandon its malign activitiy in the region”

— Arab News (@arabnews) July 27, 2019

“I promise I will do my best to arrange a meeting with Boris Johnson, in conjunction with my colleagues, and attempt to get a better reaction to the Iranian situation than we’ve had from previous governments,” he said.

Struan Stevenson, coordinator of the Campaign for Iran Change, said: “We want regime change, we want to get rid of this evil regime. We’re here underneath the statue of Admiral Nelson. What would Nelson make of a British ship being seized by pirates? He would be turning in his grave.

“So our message today to Boris Johnson is to be tough on this regime as they are spreading terrorism and war across the Middle East and the world.”

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