Former World Leaders Unite in Support of Iranian People’s Uprising and Democratic Change

Maryam Rajavi exworldleadersncri

On Thursday, June 22, a conference in Paris, France, witnessed the presence of several former heads of state who came together to announce the support of 117 former world leaders for the Iranian people’s uprising and their organized Resistance. The keynote speaker at this event was Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI).

It is important to highlight that in their letter to President Joe Biden of the United States, and the leaders of the 27 Member States of the European Union, the former world leaders emphasized their belief that the future of Iran should be determined by the Iranian people themselves. They also recognized that for the past four decades, the democratic coalition National Council of Resistance of Iran has consistently and tirelessly pursued democratic change. In this regard, they expressed their support for the Ten-Point Plan presented by Mrs. Maryam Rajavi. They underlined that the plan’s dedication to principles such as free elections, freedom of assembly and expression, abolition of the death penalty, gender equality, separation of religion and state, autonomy for Iran’s ethnicities, and a non-nuclear Iran “is in line with our own democratic values.

Remarks by Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the NCRI’s President-elect: 

Dear guests, Ms. Tymoshenko, Mr. Kiska, Mr. Quiroga, Mr. Verhofstadt, Mr. Renzi, Mr. Bartumeu,
Mr. Alejo Vidal-Quadras and Mr. Stevenson,
I am delighted to welcome you to the office of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, the Resistance’s Parliament in exile.

Your initiative in calling upon world leaders to take decisive actions against the religious fascism ruling Iran and standing by the Iranian people marks a turning point in the international approach towards the issue of Iran.

Two days ago was the anniversary of the brutal suppression of a peaceful demonstration by half-a-million PMOI sympathizers in Tehran on June 20, 1981. Khomeini’s IRGC forces turned the demonstration into a bloodbath and started the wave of executions on that night.

The clerical regime in Iran has also engaged in exporting terrorism, warmongering, and religious fundamentalism beyond Iran’s borders. It is no coincidence that such a large number of world dignitaries have joined your initiative against the regime.

Today, the clerical regime finds itself in its final phase. The uprising that began in September 2022 showed that the Iranian people want to overthrow the ruling regime and are prepared to make sacrifices to achieve this goal.
Women have a leading role in the uprisings, following 40 years of struggle by freedom-loving PMOI women and other combatant women against this brutal regime.

The recent uprising also revealed that despite the Iranian people’s terrible conditions and increasing discontent, the religious tyranny has no solution. The regime’s only way out is to escalate repression, export of terrorism, and warmongering. At the same time, it has increased its efforts to discredit the democratic opposition through a disinformation campaign both inside Iran and abroad.

The clerical regime, which is beset by popular uprisings and social discontent, has started a new phase of destructive and aggressive activities, ranging from moving closer to acquiring nuclear weapons to involvement in the massacre and destruction of Ukraine; they know no limits.

Recently, following the increase of these attacks, the Ukrainian government presented a bill to the parliament for imposing a 50-year sanction on the religious fascism ruling in Iran.

The regime’s behavior is the product of the West’s policy of appeasement over the past 40 years. Now is the time for a fundamental change in that policy.

The policy of appeasement has had disastrous outcomes these days: The violent attack by 1200 police forces on PMOI refugees in Albania, which led to the death of one and injury of more than 100, and the banning of the July 1 rally by Iranians in Paris.

Both incidents, which took place at the behest of the Iranian regime, violated some of the fundamental principles of Europe, like the freedom of speech and assembly, and the right to asylum. They also violated international conventions such as the Convention on the Rights of Refugees, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and the European Convention on Human Rights.

The continuation of the appeasement policy has emboldened the regime in pursuing its destructive policies.

Dear friends,
During the uprising, the role of the organized resistance network, and its Resistance Units, in various cities has become more evident than ever before. They play a key role in advancing the uprising and driving it towards the regime’s overthrow.

These networks continue to carry on the widespread resistance of the Iranian people against religious dictatorship over the past four decades.

The Resistance’s adherence to its principles of struggle including independence, liberty, popular sovereignty, and the rejection of the Shah and the mullahs’ dictatorships have turned the Iranian Resistance into the focal point of the Iranian people’s trust.

The National Council of Resistance is a coalition made of various political tendencies and beliefs, established years ago. The NCRI has provided the national capacity to struggle and to mobilize all freedom-loving forces seeking the regime’s overthrow.

According to the NCRI plan, a provisional government takes control following the regime’s overthrow, to hold elections within six months for the Constitutional Assembly. The assembly will then elect a new provisional government and oversee its activities. In addition, it is responsible for drafting the constitution of the new republic.

We never compromise our values to gain or preserve power. The most important thing for us is creating conditions where the people of Iran can freely determine their own destiny. More than 100,000 of the Resistance’s members and supporters have been executed for this cause.

Two years ago, during the annual gathering of the Iranian Resistance, Prime Minister Verhofstadt said, “We must never close our eyes to the terrorist attempts of the Iranian regime, even on European soil, and the human rights violations that occur in Iran every single day….”

During the same gathering, Prime Minister Renzi summarized the real solution by saying, “We have to come back to open the doors of Iran to the global community and the global community to Iran. But the only way is through regime change.”

Yes, it is the right of the people of Iran to overthrow a regime that brought them nothing but oppression and plunder. The United States Declaration of Independence and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, among others, have recognized this right.

Your ground breaking initiative, emphasizing the necessity of recognizing the Iranian people’s demand for freedom, is a strategic response to the fundamental mistake in the policy towards Iran. It will open a new chapter that focuses on respecting the Iranian people’s desire to overthrow this regime.

I know that short-term economic interests and political considerations put obstacles in adopting a firm policy but a firm policy vis-à-vis the regime in Iran is not only the Iranian people’s demand but also the need for peace and security in today’s world.

To this end, the Iranian Resistance proposes the following actions:

1- Designating the Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) as a terrorist organization, and confronting the IRGC presence beyond Iranian borders, including in Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, and Yemen.
2- Recognizing the right of the Iranian people to defend themselves against the IRGC and to overthrow the regime and establish a democratic republic based on the separation of religion and state.
3- Activating the snapback mechanism according to the United Nations Security Council Resolution 2231, implementing the six UN Security Council Resolutions, shutting down all nuclear and missile programs in breach of UN resolutions, and conducting unconditional inspections of the regime’s nuclear and missile facilities.
4- Referring the dossier of the brutal and systematic violations of human rights in Iran to the UN Security Council and bringing to justice the regime’s leaders for 40 years of genocide and crimes against humanity.
5- Cutting off regular economic deals and imposing comprehensive sanctions, particularly oil and banking sanctions, to cut the regime’s lifelines that only finance the oppression of the Iranian people, development of nuclear weapons, terrorism and regional interventions.
6- Identifying the regime as a threat to global peace and security, subject to Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter.

Surely, we will have many allies among prominent political leaders like yourselves and among the people of democratic countries in achieving these objectives.
Thank you all for your support.

Struan Stevenson former MEP President of EP Delegation for Relations with Iraq 2009-2014

Last week, President Macron spent an hour and a half on the telephone with Raisi, the Butcher of Tehran. How on earth can someone spend an hour and a half speaking with the Butcher of Tehran? We understand the pressure on Anthony Blinken, the US Secretary of State. We see that he has been negotiating with the Iranian regime to resurrect the zombie JCPOA deal.

The Biden administration is appeasing the mullahs’ regime, and I believe he has put pressure on the Albanian government, and they attacked Ashraf 3. Many of the Ashraf 3 residents were hospitalized. This was a raid organized by SPAC, the agency from Tirana, which is run by a puppet of the Americans. I’m afraid that Americans have their fingerprints all over this horrible raid, and you can trace it all the way back to Tehran.

We have the majority in the US Congress, in Italy and the Netherlands and Iceland and Norway, and many more countries, and 117 former world leaders signed the letter that I referred to at the beginning of this session. And that included 52 former presidents, 54 former prime ministers, one former chancellor, two former presidents of the European Commission, and three Nobel Laureates. And even Mike Pence added his signature towards the end of last week. So, the support has been magnificent, and we thank all of you, particularly those of you who have come here today.

The importance of that letter is highly significant because you have managed to break the wall of silence that engulfed Iran for many years.

So, it’s going to be my great privilege to moderate this meeting. And can I start by inviting the person who is the most charismatic leader that I know, fighting for decades for the resurrection of democracy and justice, and peace in her country. It’s a great privilege to be here and to welcome Mrs. Mariam Rajavi.

Guy Verhofstadt Prime Minister of Belgium (1999-2008)

First of all, I want to thank especially Mrs. Rajavi for the invitation.  I think it’s a very good moment to organize this conference at this moment when we have published an open letter on the 23rd of May, signed by no less than 109 former prime ministers, heads of state, and political leaders.

The first conclusion of today is the very first time, as Mr. Stevenson said, so many politicians are united in calling for a new approach, a radically new approach towards Iran. And with this letter that we sent to the world leaders of today, we ask them, in fact, to change strategy and to take decisive steps against the current regime in Tehran.

The letter is, first and foremost, I think, a common commitment or commitment. Or promise that we will not be silent until the regime of the mullahs is gone in this world. And until there are free and democratic elections organized in Iran. Because, let’s be honest, that requests a change in strategy.

Until now, certainly, in the West, we have always thought that it was important that the only way forward was not to slam the doors, to be ready for diplomacy, and to keep talking to Iran. We thought It would bring salvation and that the regime was made from bad guys to less bad guys, and that we would get results by continuing to talk to these so-called moderates of the regime. Well, we have to say today that this strategy, this approach was wrong. In fact, there are no moderates in the regime of Iran. There is no one.

The impunity will continue as long as the mullahs have a strong hold on the country. Let’s look at daily life and the situation in Iran today. Let’s remember that because that’s the reason why we are here. First of all, 300 civilians have been executed since the beginning only of this year. In May alone, 142 innocent people were executed in Iran. That’s four murders a day.

In 2022, nearly 600 people were executed in Iran. The mullahs have the dubious honor of claiming that they have the highest number of executions in the world after China. That is the reality of today in Iran. And at the top of the many tens of thousands of deaths for which the regime should be held accountable in the past. Since the 80s, not to forget the genocide that took place in the summer of 1988, let’s not forget it, where up to 30,000 innocent men and women have died a gruesome death.

I think personally that the nuclear negotiations are pretty pointless because, once again, the mullahs’ regime is ignoring any commitment. They are further expanding, in fact, their stockpiles of enriched uranium while at the same time deepening their alliance with that other dictatorships.

That we need to grasp, and it’s certainly a moment that has to be used by the international community, Mr. Stevenson, and especially by Europe, to switch the strategy. To switch the current approach towards Iran. And I think such a new strategy, such a new approach needs to be based.

I will be very short on that, and I want to give them four pillars on four actions. The first is that we need to significantly expand the list of persons and organizations in Iran that are subject to sanctions. Today you have to know from the European side, there are only 216 individuals and 36 organizations under sanctions from the European Union, 260. It is time to expand the list to all the architects of violence, with their perpetrators and with their accomplices. So that concerns thousands of people, officials, civil servants, police officers, Judges, prison guards, and so on. That needs to be tackled if we want to change something in Iran.

That means the sanctions, as we know them, freeze their assets, and impose a stricter ban to travel to enter the EU, also going after their funds and economic resources. That’s the first thing to do, the second. And it’s also very clear that is that what is happening in Iran has a name. Intimidating young people, Women install a permanent cultural fear. That’s called terror.

In that context, I think it’s absolutely necessary that the Iranian Revolutionary Guard and their paramilitary units responsible for that error should be urgently blacklisted by the EU, but also by all the 27 member states of the EU, as a terrorist organization.

The third pillar of such a new approach from the international community is that there is no evidence needed anymore. The Iranian people and all democratic organizations in Iran and in exile have the knowledge, skills, courage, have the determination to turn their country into another country, into a modern democracy, and therefore, all initiatives such as Mrs. Rajavi’s ten points plan, which include free elections, freedom of expression, abolition of the death penalty, separation of church and state, and gender equality, deserve or full support in the aftermath of Iran.

The fourth pillar has to be to prepare an economic recovery plan for the post Mullahs era. We cannot wait. The best way to show all support to the Iranian people is to prepare for the future after 40 years of economic devastation and growing poverty. I think that these people deserve to live in a free country, but also to have the possibility to make their country a prosperous country. Again, as has always been the case, so I truly hope that today this open letter of May 23 that has been addressed to the world leaders may be the start of a fundamental change in the strategy and approach Of the international community and that it can be the basis for a regained freedom of the Iranian people. Thank you very much.

Matteo Renzi Prime Minister of Italy (2014-2016)

We remember what happened from September 2022 to today. But also in European diplomacy, the attacks of two days ago in Albania, the criticism of the diplomatic situation that Mr. Stevenson explained.

But I’m not here only for that, I’m here because I think. You need the world, but also, at the same time, the world needs your culture, your passion, and your resistance because we live in a time of radical change.

 I’m with you. I think you have to continue everyone to fight for your values and for your ideals. I think the word needs you. Of course, you need the solidarity of the world, but the world today needs a new role for your experience and, for that reason, solidarity. For you is not simply solidarity for a people who fought against a terrible dictatorship, a terrible regime, a terrible situation, that, that is clear, that is sure. Thinking about what happened in the last nine months in your country is unacceptable, immoral, and not simply legal. Thinking about young people dying simply for protests against the regime is unacceptable, of course, but I think that is only the first part of our reflection. We need a new Iran in the global world.

Yulia Tymoshenko Prime Minister of Ukraine (2005, 2007-2010)

I’m here today, and the ballistic missiles are falling in Ukraine every day, and every day our children are dying because of those missiles. And every day, my people are fighting. Having the support of the entire world and the question comes up: How could I leave My country in such a tragic situation and come here? Why did I do that? Well, I did that because I know firmly that the victory of the Iranian people is as important as the victory of the Ukrainian people for the world and everyone. Today, like the Ukrainians, you are standing for the entire world. I came here because of what I’m observing and watching that today, in the modern world, a new international line of dictators is forming.

You know, the war in Ukraine. Brought all those dictatorships up to the surface, and the Iranian regime stood right next to the bloody occupants that are killing my people today. And if we’re not going to unite our entire front together, if we’re not going to unite the forces of the free world and the power of our people, the Ukrainian people, the Belarusians, the Iranian people, against that evil, then the whole world is going to suffer as a result.

Some people say that the war in Ukraine is local. And it is just Putin who is fighting. No, this is a mistake. This is an absolute mistake. There is not just one Putin in such a world. He’s a  cynical, brutal, violent coalition of the same kind. Of terrorist dictators, as he is, and it is not against Ukraine that they stand up. They came to change the world order that is based on freedom. On law, on the international rules and regulations. They came to change that order. Change it to power to the power of the weapons, power of the blood. To torture their people and to change the borders across the world, that’s what.

I know how difficult it is for you. But do not make a step back. The world is united. It is great that many leaders of the countries are with you. It is great. But I would like to tell you without your work or fight, without your victory in your great country. No one’s going to help you as you can help yourself, which is why you have to unite, which is why you have to win. You have all the power in your hands. And the most important thing is that it is possible to win.

I would also like to tell you that a month ago, our Parliament adopted a resolution. And has introduced the harshest sanctions against the Iranian regime. All of our Parliament voted unilaterally, and now I’m here with you because I want that letter that the leaders of the other countries have signed that would give a new impulse to all other peoples. To accept and adopt the same resolution, the same decision, and to introduce the harshest sanctions against the Iranian regime.

In addition to that, when we are going to have our next parliamentary session, we are going to consider one more document. We’re going to review one more document that was prepared by Gregory Namira, who is sitting here in this room today. It is a document against the Revolutionary Guards Corps, so I also believe that there is something very symbolic that your people’s resistance movement was spearheaded by a wonderful woman Mrs. Maryam Rajavi.  I had just met her when I came here for the first time. But I’ve observed her activity remotely. And I saw what kind of confidence she’s shining to everyone. She is an incredibly strong woman. I would like to wish you, Mrs. Rajavi, not just a victory, but I want you to become the soul of your people, so they will follow you. And so, with your leadership, they would show the whole world that evil is weak. Yes. I know that it is important to fight the regime and win, but the most important thing is to show your people the path to the future. A bright, happy, shiny path. And you have that. You have a plan for the future, Iran. The ten-point plan, which are very strong points that are going to change Iran fundamentally, and this plan for the future of Iran is worth it. Given the life and path power and implementing it, it is worth it. And I also know very well. How strong the women of Iran are. I see here in the room the women overran. And I would like to address you directly. We do see your heroic fight. We know that it is much more difficult for you than it is for the men to fight, affirm and assert your rights.

I believe. That we will meet again after the victory of Ukraine, and it is going to happen, believe me, and after the victory of Iran, of the people of Iran. Because this is going to happen too, by all means, and we will hug each other, and we will celebrate yours, and our victory is going to happen.

Andrej Kiska  President of Slovakia (2014-2019)

Ladies and gentlemen. Dear friends from Iran. We often ask ourselves. It is good to make compromises in life. Life is not black or white. It’s filled with various shades of gray. It seems natural that the right answer is yes. We must make compromises, but there is one area where compromises should not exist. And where they can do a lot of harm. And that is in politics. When it comes to accepting dictatorship. There is a dictatorial regime in Iran, and just like with Putin, some politicians in the democratic world still believe that compromises are better than taking a clear stand against the regime and condemning it. However, such an attitude of these politicians is selfish and short-sighted, and has enormous damage while giving strength to the Iranian regime.

It is important for the Iranian regime to understand that the world is closely watching its actions and will never tolerate and forget the violation of human rights. And the oppression of its people. Another important message is what we, as the leader of the democratic world, should repeat to our citizens. Who supports Putin? Which countries are they? And one of the biggest supporters whose weapons are killing people in Ukraine, including Women and children, is the regime in Iran.

What can be done? What can we actively do to help Iran become what its people desire, what you desire? A democratic and Secular Republic. I have spent almost half of my life under the oppression of a communist regime. It is not as brutal as we can see now in a short video.

 What gave us the strongest hope and energy was solidarity. Solidarity to find for change, solidarity, and support from all democratic countries, from all people in these countries. The realization that we are not alone in this fight, that hundreds of millions of people around the world were thinking of us gave us the strength to continue. That’s why it’s so important. For all people from Iran, from all democratic-minded people in Iran to know that we, we the others are thinking of them. That we are not indifferent to the fate of Iran and its people. And that we want and we are ready to help.

So allow me to express my deepest solidarity with the Iranian people in their hope and desire for freedom, democracy, and the respect of their fundamental human rights. Based on my experience and personal experience, I know what the words democracy and freedom mean, and how important these values are for a happy and content life for the development and prosperity of a country’s society. I am deeply convinced that freedom works in every society, regardless of its ethnic, religious, or racial background.

From freedom rises democracy. The ability to freely decide who will represent my own home, hopes, and dreams for the future. And last but not least, democracy provides the opportunity to take political action and enables people. To offer their hearts and minds to serve their people. So let me applaud and encourage all democratically minded Iranian people.

The Iranian people deserve the right to live in a free and democratic country. Where power rests in the hands of citizens who protect their best interests without any discrimination, it is our responsibility as democratic leaders and citizens to support their efforts and work together to achieve the goal.

Jorge Fernando Quiroga Ramírez President of Bolivia (2001-2002)

Mrs. Rajavi, I wanted to first tell you why I’m here, second, make a point on coordination, and third, women. First, why am I here? I think Martin Luther King, we should paraphrase him, was right. The saying was that “injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” You can paraphrase and adapt that to autocrats and democracies. Autocrats anywhere are a threat to democracy everywhere. Mullahs in Iran are a threat to democracy everywhere. And that’s why we should coordinate and help the people that are in the midst of this struggle. I’ve known this in my region for a long, long time. We have a triad of tyrants in my part of the world. Cuba, Venezuela, and Nicaragua are run by dictators.

I know for a fact that that requires Ukraine to prevail in its war against Putin and a free Iran because autocrats do help each other, and we have to help each other in our common goals. That’s the second point. The second point I wanted to make is coordination. Autocrats and dictators coordinate. The ones of us that want freedom and democracy do not, unfortunately, and this is the first effort that I’ve been part of from Latin America. You can wish Ukraine victory against Putin and can ask or ask the NCRI to stay on the struggle until you have a free Iran because the autocrats do coordinate.

Last. I’ll close with the importance of women. Not all men are autocrats, but pretty much all autocrats are men. We have to get together with women that are fighting for freedom and democracy everywhere. And if we do that, we’ll continue up the good work.

Jaume Bartumeu Cassany Prime Minister of Andorra (2009-2011)

The executions are still going on in Iran, and more and more young Iranians who want justice and freedom are being executed without any justice. There is no respect for human rights. I am from the generation that fought against the death penalty. That’s also why I’ve signed the open letter and why I’ve accepted your invitation to participate in this meeting.

I am here to give my respects to the courage of the Iranian women fighting for freedom. I have signed this letter because it is really part of my conviction, and I also wanted to give my support, and the support on behalf of Andorra,  to the Iranian people in their fight for democracy. I also wanted to express my support for the ten-point plan of the President of the NCRI, Mrs. Rajavi.

I’m here today to show my support. Because freedom of expression, abolishing the death penalty, gender equality, separation between religion and the state for my friends in Iran, and a non-nuclear Iran is a fight that aligns with the principles written within my country’s constitution.

Alejo Vidal Quadras Former Vice President of the European Parliament

We are here with some of the signatories of the statement by more than 100 former Heads of State and government in support of the Iranian resistance and to reject the fanatic and totalitarian regime that has oppressed Iran since the fall of the Pahlavi 44 years ago.

This extremely relevant statement, historical, I dare to say, illustrates a puzzling contradiction of the Western democracies in relation to the Iranian regime. The National Council of Resistance of Iran has large support in parliaments. In the European Parliament, the American Congress, the British Parliament, the French Parliament, the Italian, Swedish, German, Canadian, and many other parliaments. Recently. I had the pleasure of participating in the organization of a visit of Mrs. Rajavi to the European Parliament. It was such a success. A big room packed with MEPs and people in the streets welcoming our president.

This is just an example of this great report that the movement has at the parliamentary level. And also, this declaration that unites us here today of former heads of state and former prime ministers, the people who had the highest responsibilities in their countries, support clearly and enthusiastically Mrs. Rajavi and the Iranian resistance.

How can the Iranian mullahs influence democratic governments in Europe and in America? What is the mystery behind this influence? It could be the hostages that the regime keeps in prison and torture and threat to execute. It could be the nuclear threat or the possibility of Iran becoming a nuclear power. Could it be the capacity of the regime to organize terrorist attacks on Western soil? Or it is out of some dark economic interest. All these could be explanations for this behavior of Western governments.

But to all these governments, I want to say this:  If you accept blackmail, you will have more blackmail, and you will be forever in the hands of criminals. Many geopolitical problems are challenging us today.  But. For me, after 20 years of working with our friends of NCRI and the PMOI, the worst problem creating instability, terrorism, and contempt of democracy and human rights is the religious dictatorship of the Iranian mullahs. A world with a democratic and free Iran would be a different, completely different, and much better world. Western governments are blind and deaf to evidence. They are cowards and do not defend the real interest of their people when they tolerate the abuses and crimes of the Iranian regime. The recent and vicious attack on Ashraf 3 in Albania is an example, and this audacious event would not have been possible without the tolerance of the European Union and the instructions of the US administration.

Very recently. The former Prime Minister of Albania, Sali Berisha, in relation to the attack on Ashraf 3, has made the statement, and I quote him: “I am here to declare today that at this moment, more than ever, I feel like one of them. I feel like a MEK, a freedom fighter, and I extend to them my sincere feeling of support and sympathy. I feel a moment today because they, as the government of this country, killed a freedom fighter in its own shelter. I feel amazing today more than ever because yesterday’s indictment was the most shameful story for this country.”

I say this same, I am also a PMOI member today. Because to be with Maryam Rajavi today is to be on the right side of history, to be with democracy, freedom, and human dignity. But believe me, dear friends, that no dictatorship, even the most repressive, evil, and apparently strong one,  lasts forever. They all fall at the end, suffocated in the innocent blood they have spilled. And the mullahs will also fall. And we will see this glorious day, the day of deliberation of the Iranian people. The day when Iran will be free, prosperous, safe, and democratic. The day when the sacrifice of so many martyrs will be proven worthy.

One last thing. If the rally in Paris at the end is banned, if more attacks and more aggressions like the one we suffered in Ashraf 3 take place in the future, don’t worry because the message is clear. The only real and viable alternative that can end the dictatorship of the mullahs is the NCRI and our leader Maryam Rajavi.

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