Former Polish Minister Marcin Swiecicki Supports Iranian Resistance and Uprising

Marcin Swiecicki iranian rally munich

Marcin Święcicki, former Mayor of Warsaw and Minister of Foreign Economic Relations of Poland, was one of the participants at the Munich rally on February 17 who expressed solidarity with the protesters in Iran who are calling for freedom, civil rights, rule of law, and a democratic republic.  

He criticized both the Pahlavi dynasty and the current theocratic regime for their corruption and repression of civil liberties. The former Polish minister argued against the idea of restoring the monarchy, represented by Reza Pahlavi, and supported the Iranian people’s demand for a democratic republic. Mr. Święcicki also emphasized the need to stand in solidarity with the Iranian Resistance and the Iranian people’s struggle for democracy and human rights. 


Excerpts of the remarks of former Polish Minister of Foreign Economic Relations Marcin Święcicki: 

Dear friends and colleagues, 

We stand here today in solidarity with those brave Iranians who went to the streets to protest against the cruelty of the Iranian regime. They are risking their lives, risking being tortured, risking being imprisoned, but nevertheless, they are fighting for a free Iran and protesting against the crimes of the regime.  

But this is not the first time that Iranians are fighting for their freedom. This fight has been lasting already for more than forty years. After overthrowing Shah, the Iranian revolution was stolen by the mullahs. And this fight is already marked by many victims.  

We remember that in 1988, thirty thousand political prisoners were executed. This is an incredible crime. And it is even more outrageous to see that some of the perpetrators, some of the murderers, and some of the killers are holding top positions in the Iranian regime. This cannot be tolerated.  

The Iranian regime is supporting Russians with drones, with ammunition, just to kill more people and just to continue the war in Ukraine.  

We have to stop this. We are sometimes told that in Iran there is no alternative to the mullahs. But there is an alternative. We have the ten-point plan for Iran which is developed by the National Council of Resistance of Iran and by Madam Maryam Rajavi. A plan that will bring to Iran democracy, rule of law, the abolition of the death penalty, the separation of state and religion, and a non-nuclear, peaceful country.  

So, there is a plan. If we in the West, in Europe, in the world, if we want Iran to be a democratic country, one under the rule of law and peaceful, we should support Maryam Rajavi and those who are fighting for a democratic Iran and not those who are for the reinstitution of the monarchy or keeping the mullahs in power.  

May the democratic revolution of the Iranian people be victorious! 

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