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HomeIran News NowIran Opposition & ResistanceFormer Germany’s Defense Minister Condemns Demonization Campaign Against Iranian Resistance 

Former Germany’s Defense Minister Condemns Demonization Campaign Against Iranian Resistance 

german defense minister franz josef jung ashraf 3 1

On Thursday, the former Germany Defense Minister Franz Josef Jung spoke at Ashraf 3 in Albania, home to the members of Iran’s principal opposition, Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK). Hon. Jung expressed his solidarity with the Iranian people’s nationwide uprising and supported the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) President-elect Maryam Rajavi’s ten-point plan for the future of Iran. 

 He emphasized the importance of resisting the demonization campaign of the regime against the Iranian Resistance and uniting behind the ten-point plan to achieve freedom, democracy, and the rule of law in Iran. Jung also condemned the regime’s terrorism, murders, and disregard for human rights and expressed admiration for the courage and commitment of the Iranian Resistance in the struggle for freedom. In his speech, Jung stated, “No dictatorship should be successful in Iran…Your President Rajavi’s ten-point plan is the future for Iran, and everyone should unite behind it.” 

Below is the translated full text of Hon Jung’s speech, revised and edited for clarity.  


Madam President Rajavi! Dear colleague Fox! Dear friends of the Iranian Resistance here in Ashraf. I want to congratulate you on the new Persian year 1402, and I hope this new year will open the way to freedom for you. I am happy to be here with you [and mark this] as an indication of support for their Iranian Resistance. I just visited your museum, which I found depressing and remarkable, but one could see clearly see the terrorism of this regime.  

And ladies and gentlemen, I wish that these pictures would be shown more in Europe, [to evidence] the horrible regime that rules there in Iran and that it is urgently necessary for this regime to be replaced. 

Six months ago today, the immediate struggle for freedom in Iran started. Many paid for it with their lives. Many have been seriously injured. But I can only admire the courage and drive, and commitment to freedom and democracy in Iran. And I’m sure that this commitment will also be rewarded, and freedom will triumph in Iran. 

And ladies and gentlemen, the basis for this freedom struggle and also for the Iranian Resistance is the ten-point plan of Madam President Rajavi. Ultimately, the ten-point plan includes the rights of our democracy for freedom, the rule of law, and human rights. These are the main features of this ten-point plan, and I think it is appropriate that this ten-point plan can be implemented in Iran so that freedom, democracy, and the rule of law triumph. 

german fmr defense minister franz josef jung ashraf 3

But since this ten-point plan is so positive, that’s exactly why the regime is working against you in the Iranian Resistance. Slanders are being spread, and demonization is being done, but this regime of terror is proceeding ahead to the point that includes murder. 

And my dear ladies and gentlemen! That’s why we in the West must also very clearly resist this demonization because wrong things are put in front of the public’s eye to discredit you. It is the falsehood that is being spread here by the regime. Whereas you stand for freedom, democracy, and human rights, and we must resist the demonization campaign of the regime that is being made here. 

Those of us with official positions, especially in Europe, must clearly resist such a development. We must make clear what the Iranian Resistance means. What the People’s Mujahedin have in terms of freedom. And, ladies and gentlemen! They [the Iranian Resistance] want freedom and reject any form of dictatorship, be it de Shah’s regime or the mullahs’ regime. No dictatorship should be successful in Iran. 

Ladies and gentlemen! 

And when some groups say that the Revolutionary Guards just need to have a new function [we say] no, ladies and gentlemen! As the CDU/CSU parliamentary group in Germany, we said the Revolutionary Guards belong on the terror list. This is a necessity that must also be made clear in the future. 

And I wish that the different Iranian Resistance [opposition] groups unite under this ten-point plan of your president because these are the foundations that ultimately led us in Europe to peace, freedom, democracy, and prosperity. 

And, ladies and gentlemen, the more effective and the more we unite behind this ten-point plan, the faster this fight for freedom will basically be successful. And that’s why I can say once again: Your President Rajavi’s ten-point plan is the future for Iran, and everyone should unite behind it. 

Ladies and gentlemen. All of you, especially those who came here, stand for a free Iran. You paid for it with blood in some of your families. You fight with heart and brain. This [here] is the body of Resistance. And that’s why it’s also a great honor for me to be here with you today. May Iran soon be freed from the yoke of tyranny. Long live the Resistance for a free Iran, for freedom, for democracy, for the rule of law and human rights. 

Thank you. 

Liam Fox and Franz-Josef Jung, the former Defense Ministers of UK and Germany visit Ashraf 3- Mar 30