FOFIAF Condemns Brussels- Tehran Treaty That Invites Terrorism on European Soil




must not create a gap opening the way to the Iranian regime’s terrorism

The Belgian government has submitted a bill to the Belgian parliament as a matter of urgency, providing for the transfer of prisoners between Belgium and Iran. This bill, if passed, will allow Iranian nationals sentenced to prison to serve their sentences in Iran.

This means in clear terms that the diplomat Assadollah Asadi and his three accomplices who were sentenced to very heavy sentences in Belgium for terrorism can be sent back to Iran to serve their sentences. However, they will be handed over to the very people who commissioned them to carry out the attack for which they were convicted. We understand that they will not know the colour of the prison.

This is tantamount to canceling 4 years of investigation and the entire procedure that the Belgian justice system, supported by numerous European security services, courageously carried out in order to convict a serving Iranian diplomat of terrorism.

To release these terrorists is to give carte blanche to the Iranian regime’s network of embassies that provide the logistics for this state terrorism and to send the wrong signal that the attacks carried out by the mullahs in Europe will go unpunished.

Asadi and his accomplices were aiming for carnage by planting a bomb in a gathering of 100,000 people and hundreds of public officials and parliamentarians from many countries of the world that were being held near Paris in 2018. In particular, they targeted Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the president-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran. Their goal was one more massacre.

This regime holds several records, that of terrorism, executions, and human rights violations in the world.

Europe must not claim to hold the record of appeasement and surrender to the blackmail of the mullahs. Belgium must not lay the first stone of this shameful capitulation.

The Nordic Committee, Friends of a Free Iran & Against Fundamentalism can only condemn any move that encourages the mullahs to more terrorism in Europe. It calls on the Belgian parliament to reject this text and the Belgian government to act more firmly to definitively block the road Mullahs’ State terrorism.


Friends of a Free Iran & Against Fundamentalism

KIMMO SASI Co-President FOFIAF – Finland
Former minister of Europe and Foreign Trade of Finland

LARS RISE Co-President FOFIAF – Norway
Ex Parliamentarian of Norwegian Foreign affairs Committee

Ex Parliamentarian of Iceland

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