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HomeIran News NowIran Opposition & ResistanceFatah’s response to Iran regime following Maryam Rajavi’s meeting with Mahmoud Abbas

Fatah’s response to Iran regime following Maryam Rajavi’s meeting with Mahmoud Abbas


NCRI – Following the meeting between Iranian Resistance President-elect Maryam Rajavi and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas on Saturday in Paris, Fatah’s Information and Culture Commission has slammed the remarks by the advisor to the Iranian regime’s Foreign Minister as “a reflection of the policy of his destructive system.”

Hossein Sheikholeslam, an adviser to the mullahs’ Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, issued on Sunday a hysterical reaction to the meeting. His remarks were published throughout the Iranian regime’s state media.

Fatah’s Information and Culture Commission responded with a powerful statement on Sunday:

“The Palestinian National Liberation Movement, Fatah, regards the remarks by Hossein Sheikholeslam, advisor to the Iranian Foreign Minister, about President and Commander-in-Chief of the movement, Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen), as a reflection of the betrayal and the policy of those who have a destructive role and who sow divisions among Palestinian ranks and among Arab and Islamic nations and who support coups and division in our country Palestine and in all parts of Arab and regional countries.”

Fatah’s statement added that the movement had closely studied the “insulting remarks by the advisor to the Iranian Foreign Minister about the President and Commander-in-Chief, which were made in response to the reception given by his Excellency to the President of the National Council of Resistance of Iran in exile, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, at his residence in Paris.”

Fatah accused the Iranian regime of “organized slurs against the head of the Palestinian people and the commander of the National Liberation Movement of this nation and against the Palestinian cause.”

It further said that the Iranian regime seeks to “destroy the Palestinian ranks and deepen divisions and prompt one side to act against the other, in order to gain greater positions which are only to their own interests – goals that have nothing to do with Quds, the first Qiblah of Muslims and the third sacred shrine, or to the just Palestinian cause and which simply turn one Palestinian side into a tool to serve their interests and the development of their influence in the region.”

Fatah reminded Sheikholeslam, “who along with his ilk are hideous betrayers”, of the lost values of “loyalty to the Fatah movement, which hosted the Iranian revolution and supported it with all its material, military and financial capabilities and opened its camps to revolutionaries, with the hope that they would within the framework of the rulers of their country support the Palestinian cause. We have only seen treason and coups against the values of loyalty, and persistence in supporting coup instigators in Palestine contrary to the Palestinian principles and national interests, i.e. accepting provisional borders for Palestine.”

Fatah warned against undermining President Abu Mazen, “who is in the view of this movement the conscience of the Palestinian nation,” and it said that it would not allow anyone to “overstep the red line of insulting or undermining his loyalty as an elected official of the Palestinian people.”

Referring to the meeting between President Mahmoud Abbas and the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), Maryam Rajavi, Fatah added in its statement: “We remind them that Fatah, which has in the past been hosting and supporting liberation movements of the world, preserves the right to meet with representatives of the liberation movements of the world. We continue to be a national liberation movement that strives for freedom and independence. And so we must strengthen our relations with all forces in the world who believe in and struggle for the goals of freedom and building a free and democratic society based on justice.”

Fatah described the mullahs’ regime as a “stooge of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)” whose actions are “against the national interest of the Iranian people,” adding that such a regime has “absolutely no right to talk about the cause of Palestine and the Palestinian people and President.”

The statement continued: “Fatah reminds the advisor to the Foreign Minister that if he has forgotten President Mahmoud Abbas Abu Mazen’s commitment to the constant principles of the Palestinian people, despite the threats to his life and political, economic and financial siege as well as plots against the Palestinian people and cause, or if he has deliberately pretended to have forgotten this, we remind him that President Abu Mazen has on 25 occasions had outspoken disagreements with the U.S. administration at times when the latter’s policies contradicted the Palestinian national interests and the U.S. tried to impose them on us.”

Fatah drew attention to the fact that Hossein Sheikholeslam “is part of the Iranian regime’s establishment which strives for death, destruction, civil war and sectarian discord in every Arab country where it has managed to reach and continues to do so, and it advises him to remain silent forever.”

Fatah further stated that it considers the Iranian regime’s meddling in Palestinian internal affairs – with its obvious intentions on hijacking the country’s leadership – to serve his regime’s regional interests and at the same time to be to the detriment of the Iranian people’s interests and their good relations with the people of Palestine.