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HomeIran News NowIran Opposition & ResistanceExpand campaign to remove terror tag from Iranian Resistance - Rajavi

Expand campaign to remove terror tag from Iranian Resistance – Rajavi

Maryam Rajavi addressin Seminar in StockholmNCRI – Addressing a major seminar in Stockholm in support of the People’s Mojahedin of Iran based in Ashraf City, Iraq, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran said, "The steadfastness of the freedom fighters in Ashraf City serves as an inspiration to Iranian youths and vast segments of Iranian society to resist and rise up." Full text of her message is as follows:
Dear Compatriots,
I extend my warmest greetings to you all. I am grateful to all of you for your inspiring gathering today, your earnest struggle, and your dedication in defense of Ashraf City. You and your compatriots’ efforts throughout the world, the steadfastness of the freedom-fighters in Ashraf City, and the untiring protests of Iranian youths, all calling for freedom and democracy, has truly robbed the mullahs of a good night’s sleep.
In recent months, the mullahs who understand their regime to be crisis-ridden have declared war against the international community and the Iranian people and Resistance. Ahmadinejad’s recent remarks about the impending start of uranium enrichment prove that the mullahs’ have found the only recourse in adventurism and threats in order to preserve the regime in the face an explosive domestic situation. Just as they have escalated repression in Iran, they have also increased their political, intelligence and suppressive schemes against the Iranian Resistance.
They have emphatically pleaded with each and every Iraqi official who has traveled to Iran to expel the Mojahedin from Iraq. They have launched an extensive misinformation campaign against the Iranian Resistance. They have spent hundreds of millions of dollars to buy middlemen and agents to conspire against the Resistance and muddy the waters in the struggle between the Iranian people and this regime. Most of these conspiracies have been neutralized by vigilant members of the Resistance and their families in Iran and with the assistance of invaluable friends such as Mr. Paulo Casaca, Co-Chairman of the Friends of a Free Iran Parliamentary Committee in the European Parliament and Mr. Lars Rise, honorable former member of the Norwegian Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee.  
The mullahs see no light at the end of the tunnel for their regime, and are therefore doing everything they can to discredit the main threat to their rule, namely the Iranian Resistance movement.
The theocratic rule of the mullahs in Iran is faltering despite its claims to the contrary. The ascension of the Iranian Resistance threatens the regime’s rule. The clerical regime’s extensive campaign to destroy or silence the Resistance is faltering with every passing day. The Belgian Senate has recently called on the European Union to review the inclusion of the Mojahedin in the list of terror organizations and to adopt a firm policy vis-à-vis the clerical regime. More than 1,300 British lawyers have emphasized that the time has come for the EU to distance itself from the Iranian regime and to side with millions of Iranians and their Resistance movement.
At least 405 British MPs and Peers have emphasized the need to remove the discredited terror tag from the main Iranian opposition force and declared that the solution to the problem in Iran is democratic change through support for the Iranian people and Resistance.
The increasing public dissatisfaction in Iranian society has reached threatening proportions for the regime in recent months. In the six months since the sham presidential elections in Iran, the Iranian people have carried out over 2,000 protest actions. This is quite unprecedented in all the years of this regime’s rule. The main reason for the appointment of the most brutal military commanders from the Revolutionary Guards Corps to key public office posts is the regime’s desire to clampdown on popular protests that have surged due to suppression and poverty. The regime has assembled a special military-security apparatus to defend it in the last stage of its rule.
The Revolutionary Guards Corps is ill-prepared for the simmering circumstances in Iranian society and the dangers that the regime faces at present. The mullahs and commanders of the IRGC have concluded in their internal deliberations that more than 80 percent of the paramilitary Bassij force is unreliable and will not defend the regime in a crisis.
The international situation has also placed the mullahs in dire straits. Most observers do not contemplate any future for the moribund regime. The Supreme Leader is using the regime’s extensive meddling in Iraq as a show of power to internal rivals. Friday prayer leaders offered prayers and thanks for the results of the rigged elections for the Iraqi parliament and pointed to it as their own success. They lauded the elections in Iraq as an event that will enhance their regime’s security. The huge and continued demonstrations by the Iraqi people in Baghdad and other cities, however, in which hundreds of thousands of Iraqis demanded that the mullahs leave their country.   Democratic force in Iraq have become increasingly aware of Tehran’s meddling and crimes in that country.
Dear Compatriots and Friends of the Resistance,
The Iranian regime is in the most unstable circumstances since the end of the Iran-Iraq war when Khomeini admitted to drinking the chalice of poison. The regime has never before been so vulnerable, isolated, and engulfed in threatening crises.
There is no doubt, however, that the organized Resistance of the Iranian people, with Ashraf City at its forefront, is the force that will transform these voices of dissent and the crises to a credible threat to the clerical rule in Iran.
The regime’s dire state and its deepening crises will not transform into effective pressure on the regime spontaneously but through an organized resistance. Ashraf City is the focal point of a Resistance movement that has acted as a bulwark to the Islamic fundamentalist threat.
Ashraf City is the decisive battleground of the Iranian people’s sacred struggle for freedom. The steadfastness of the freedom fighters in Ashraf serves as an inspiration to Iranian youths and vast segments of Iranian society to resist and rise up.
The mullahs will not spare any conspiracy in their efforts to counteract the Iranian Resistance. They threaten and intimidate families of members of the National Liberation Army in Iran and have arrested a number of them. They pressure sympathizers of the Iranian Resistance abroad and attempt in vain to discredit the honor of the struggle against them in order to realize their dream of dismantling the Resistance organization. But the Resistance is strong and deeply rooted in Iranian society and Iran’s century-old struggle for freedom. The regime’s efforts have failed. The Resistance’s members have succeeded in thwarting the regime’s conspiracies although such conspiracies will continue as long as the clerical regime is in power.
This is precisely why you have risen with all your might, your will, your love and your spirit to support Ashraf City and the National Liberation Army of Iran.
Call on all our compatriots to join this inspiring struggle. Explain the clerical regime’s acute weakness to everyone. Expose the agents of this regime. Assert anti-regime positions everywhere. Expand the struggle to remove the terror tag from the Iranian Resistance movement in order to pave the way for the downfall of the religious dictatorship in Iran.
Victory belongs to you who resist.
Victory belongs to you who aspire to liberate our people. Victory belongs to you who sacrifice for freedom.