Amb. Blackwell: Listen to voices of Iranians in June Paris gathering


Former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Commission on Human Rights urges Americans to use the opportunity of June 13 major gathering of Iranians opposition in Paris to ‘push their leaders’ to listen to their voices and correct the mistake of neglecting Iranian people form ‘policy conclusions’ when it comes to Middle Eastern affairs.

Ambassador Ken Blackwell wrote in TownHall on Monday: “For far too long, the Iranian people have been virtually absent from policy calculations and from the public consciousness when it comes to Middle Eastern affairs.”

“The occasion of the June 13 gathering in Paris is an opportunity to correct this situation. And current circumstances lead me to believe that the people of the United States may at last have the political will to push their leaders in this direction,” he said.

Iran is the same violent, religiously extreme regime as it was following the revolution, and all Iranians should support the June 13 Paris gathering aimed at toppling the mullahs from power, he urged.

He also warned that giving sanctions relief by the West in exchange for limited restrictions of Iran’s nuclear program would be giving undue legitimacy to a government that has a long history of deception.

Ambassador Blackwell added: “Last year, that message was hear in-person by an estimated 100,000 people, and this year the crowd is expected to be even larger.

“It is a rare showcase of bipartisan support between American Republicans and Democrats who are as far apart as John Bolton and Howard Dean – both scheduled to speak on at the June 13 event.

“It is my hope that this event will be the site of even greater foreign support for the NCRI – not just among politicians and academics, but also among members of the American public who care about the future of Iran and its people.

“I agree with Mrs Maryam Rajavi, president of the NCRI, that the nuclear negotiations have been misguided at best, and have resulted in the US giving away crucial leverage that might otherwise have led to massive positive change from inside of Iran.

“The trouble with the narrative provided by President Obama on Iran has absolutely failed to make the distinction between the people and the government of Iran.”

Ambassador Blackwell wrote: “It will be wise to familiarize yourself with Maryam Rajavi’s ten-point plan for the future of Iran, and listen to exiled Iranians’ as well as American politicians’ impassioned pleas for an end to the legitimization of terrorism and human rights abuses that emanate from the Tehran Ayatollahs.

“And if you agree with the message you find there, please let your representatives know that you expect them to listen to the voices of the Iranian people before making any further policy decisions in dealing with the Iranian regime.”

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