European Union must recognize the Iranian Resistance, halt any concessions to Tehran – Maryam Rajavi

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Active ImageNCRI – Addressing a gathering of dozens of Euro MPs, Parliamentarians and political dignitaries from Europe at the European Parliament on May 28, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, underscored the significance of the British court decision to deproscribe the PMOI (MEK) and called on the EU to drop its unjust terror label against the main Iranian opposition. Text of her speech follows:

Three weeks ago, in a historic judgment, the UK Court of Appeal rejected the terrorist label against the People’s Mojahedin. Justice has finally prevailed over the policy of appeasement. Now, it is time for the EU to act immediately and remove the PMOI from its terror list. The terrorist label in the UK, which the court declared unlawful, formed the legal basis for the PMOI’s designation in Europe. Today, therefore keeping the PMOI on the EU list is even more unlawful.

I call upon the EU presidency to publicly announce that PMOI is no longer on the EU terror list. And, to include the delisting of the PMOI on the agenda of the next meeting of the Council of Ministers.

Therefore, Europe must recognize and implement the ramifications of this judgment. EU should not allow the mullahs’ regime to impede the course of justice in Europe by intimidation. It should not allow its policy to be taken hostage by the mullahs’ regime.

While the EU Court of Justice has already annulled the PMOI’s designation in December 2006, the European Union, unlawfully has kept the PMOI on the list because it pursues the policy of appeasement. In addition to the judgment of the court, the EU has also defied the demands of European lawmakers.

After the UK court ruling the question is: Why has the EU not yet officially removed the PMOI from the list?

On the basis of which national authority’s decision, has the EU kept the PMOI on the list?

They have no answers. EU must end defying the rule of law. To understand the true motive behind the terror label against the PMOI, I quote from the Wall Street Journal of the seventh May: “Iranian officials for years have made suppression of the PMOI a priority in negotiations with western governments over Tehran’s nuclear program and other issues, according to several diplomats who were involved in those talks.”

This is the Council of Ministers’ key motivation to maintain the PMOI on the list. The bitter truth is that, the terror label against the PMOI has provided the ruling religious fascism with a green light to execute and torture its opponents. It has prevented democratic change in Iran. Western governments must apologize to the Iranian people. I warn that the Iranian people are no longer the only victims of appeasement.

This policy has made global peace and security hostage to the mullahs in Iran. Today, religious fascism has expanded its presence as far as Lebanon and the frontiers of Europe. They failed to act when the mullahs invaded Iraq and the Gaza strip through their proxies.

And now, the regime has increased its meddling in Lebanon through its proxies.

Moreover, the mullahs are on the verge of obtaining nuclear weapons. Through five years of fruitless negotiations the West gave the mullahs the time they needed. Is this not bowing before religious fascism? This reminds us of bitter memories of the years before the Second World War. Yet again, this very month more incentives were offered, but the mullahs rejected them as well. How much longer is the West willing to tolerate humiliation by the mullahs?

The experience of appeasing Hitler’s fascism is being repeated every step of the way. This is happening while the mullahs’ missiles can reach Europe. These are the very missiles the mullahs want to arm with nuclear warheads.

The irony is that some in Europe suggest that security assurances must be given to this regime. This is a recipe for disaster. Offering part of Czechoslovakia to Hitler did not halt his greed and more concessions will not halt mullahs’ greed.

This regime belongs to the Middle Ages. It is overpowered by profound economic crisis and fatal social isolation. Through export of terrorism and fundamentalism, and obtaining the bomb, it is trying to guarantee its survival. Despite the dramatic rise in oil revenues, the nation is suffering from poverty, hunger, inflation and unemployment. Despite absolute repression, the Iranian people have demonstrated, through rising protests, their will for regime change which is loud and clear. These numerous crises have led to increasing tensions within the regime and continued purges and resignations of its key figures. The end result is further weakening of the regime. For this reason, the mullahs need to intensify domestic suppression. They need the bomb more than ever before. And need to expand their meddling In Iraq, Lebanon and Palestine even further.

Two days ago the mullahs’ regime in a clear act of war, attacked Ashraf City with Grad missiles. The missiles were engraved with Persian date of manufacture. Attacking residents of Ashraf who are all “protected persons” under the “Fourth Geneva Convention” is a clear violation of international law, International Humanitarian Law and Geneva Conventions. It is clearly considered a war crime.

Let me here emphasize on the need to evict the Iranian regime from Iraq and to close down its embassy in Baghdad which serves as a base for terrorism and espionage, and is the main center for insecurity in Iraq. Of course the mullahs’ aggressive policies are not the signs of strength, but of fundamental weaknesses. Appeasing the mullahs has helped them portray their weaknesses as their might.

The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran is the mullahs’ main threat. It advocates a democratic and tolerant Islam. It has a vast social base. The PMOI is, therefore, the antithesis to Islamic fundamentalism. We believe in separation of church and state, pluralism and gender equality. We say no to capital punishment and Sharia law.

Time is running out. Europe must act before it is too late. Our message is clear; End the injustice against the Iranian Resistance. Let the Iranian people and the Resistance bring about change in Iran.

The mullahs’ angry reaction to the judgment of the UK Court of Appeal shows their fear of the Resistance. Chang in Iran is in reach. But, only through the Iranian people and the Resistance.

I therefore declare:

– First, the European Union must respect the rule of law. It must remove the PMOI from the terrorist list immediately. It must alleviate restrictions and damages imposed on the PMOI,

– Second, the European Union must recognize the Iranian Resistance which is striving for democracy,

– And third, the European Union must halt any concessions to Tehran regime and impose comprehensive sanctions against the mullahs.

As a final word to all those who have supported the Iranian Resistance in it’s strive for freedom and democracy: We have come along a very long way and overcome many obstacles, your efforts are bearing fruit today, these efforts will be vital for peace and global security. 

I ask all of you, distinguished lawmakers, to continue your efforts to realize this important objective.

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