European Union Makes Two Mistakes with Iran

NCRI – The Swedish newspaper Dagen, published on 29 March an article calling the Swedish government and the European Union to abide by the ruling of the European Court of Justice and remove the name of the People’s Mojahedin Organisation of Iran (PMOI) from the terror list.

Erik Wahlberg, a jurist and human rights advocate, along with Gösta Grönroos, a researcher and philosopher at Stockholm University, state in their article that “no one can understand the odd logic of the European Union of which Sweden is a member, in its relations with the fundamentalist dictatorship in Iran, nor in its relations with the democratic Iranian movement in exile. Instead of supporting the democratic movement, the European Union has chosen the policy to put the main democratic Iranian organisation on the terror list.”
“The most recent example of the mistaken logic of the European Union happened when the European Court of Justice in December 2006 gave a ruling stating that the EU Council of Ministers made a mistake by including the PMOI on the black list. The ruling says that this terror label is void of any judicial basis and must be removed as soon as possible. But the mistake continues when in spite of the ruling, member states from the European Council announced they maintain this democratic Iranian movement on the list.”
The Swedish newspaper goes on to recall the declaration in support of the PMOI signed by 1000 jurists and an additional one signed by 1000 Members of Parliament from 23 European countries, stating that “the European Council thinks it can violate the law whenever it wishes. However it’s the European Union’s legitimacy that it puts at stakes.”

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