EU court removes resistance group from terror list

Ottawa Citizen, December 13  – The European Court of Justice yesterday overturned a EU decision to put the People’s Mujahedeen of Iran, an exiled Iranian Resistance movement, on the bloc’s terror blacklist.

The ruling annuls a 2002 decision to freeze European assets of the Paris-Based group. The United States lists the People’s Mujahedeen as a terrorist organization. However, the group founded in the 1960s by students at Tehran University says it advocates the overthrow of Iran’s hardline clerical regime by peaceful means.

Iranian resistance leader Maryam Rajavi called for the immediate lifting of all restrictions on the group and described the ruling as “proof of the resistance’s legitimacy over the religious fascism in Iran and victory of justice over economic interests.”

The group acts as un umbrella for exiled Iranian opponents of the Islamic Republic.

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