EU Calls for US To Remove Iranian Group From Terrorism List – “We are currently working to comply with the court’s decision,” said spokeswoman for the State Department


The Wall Street Journal November 26 – While America was feasting on Thanksgiving meals and watching football, the European Parliament passed a resolution calling for the U.S. to remove the People’s Mujahideen of Iran from its list of foreign terrorist organizations, the Wall Street Journal reported.

The group, which aims to overthrow the Iranian government, has been on the U.S. list since 1997, when the Clinton administration put it there to curry favor and get cooperation with Tehran. It says it’s renounced violence since 2001, and the European Union removed it from its list of terrorist organizations in 2009.

Support for the resolution in the parliament was nearly unanimous, the Journal reported. The State Department didn’t respond to a request for comment.

In July, a federal appeals court ordered the State Department to reconsider its decision to keep the group on its list. Removing the group from the list would unfreeze its assets and property under U.S. jurisdiction, and allow it to operate freely with U.S. citizens.

Update: A State Department spokeswoman said the group applied for removal from the list in 2008, but that then-Secretary Condoleezza Rice decided they had not met the requirements.

“We are currently working to comply with the court’s decision,” said Nicole Thompson, spokeswoman for the State Department. “Notably, the court maintained the group’s designation during its remand.”

By Samuel Rubenfeld

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