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EP Vice President: Democratic change by the people of Iran and the resistance is the only solution

EP Vice President: Democratic change by the people of Iran and the resistance is the only solution NCRI – At the largest gathering of Iranian expatriates in northern suburb of Paris on June 26, Mr. Alejo Vidal Quadras, Vice President of the European Parliament, lent his support to the Iranian Resistance and the residents of Camp Ashraf, members of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran in Iraq. The following are excerpts from his speech at the rally:

It is a pleasure for me to be here speaking once again before you. … Let me also speak with those men and women that are thousands of kilometers away in the burning desert of Iraq, and are the symbols of perseverance and strength for freedom and democracy for Iran, yes, the good people of Ashraf.

Dear Friends of Ashraf,

I will never forget my visit to Ashraf in October 2008. On that occasion, I told you that Ashraf City is overall a moral standard and reference, an example for the whole world. Ashraf City is a symbol of hope, of democracy, of freedom and justice, for the people of Iran and all the peoples on this planet. … When I left Ashraf, I left my heart behind. Not only that, but also my bed, because I have a bed in Ashraf. I have a photograph of this bed with my name on it in my office in Brussels, and I look at it everyday so I don’t forget Ashraf.

I promised to the people of Ashraf two things: First, that we would remove the PMOI from the blacklist of the European Union, and second, that their security will be ensured. Today, the PMOI has been removed from the EU blacklist, so half the promise is fulfilled, and we shall continue our efforts to guarantee the security of Ashraf.

Today, we are gathered here to say to the Iranian people that we are on your side. We support your struggle for democracy. We have come to express our appreciation to Mrs. Rajavi’s leadership as the president-elect of the resistance. She is a true guide for all of us and she has spared no efforts for her people. The Iranian people have expressed their desire loud and clear, they want regime change. Europe can no longer justify the continuation of the policy of appeasement. Democratic change by the people of Iran and the resistance is the only solution. And this change is represented by the National Council of Resistance of Iran. This is the best and I dare say the only way to victory. Yes, dear friends, our struggle has been very long and there is still a hard way ahead of us and because the difficulties are so great and our enemies so powerful and so merciless we need the support and the help of the best, the strongest and the bravest, the outstanding leaders of our time.

That’s why it is my pleasure and privilege to introduce to you a man that led my country successfully for 8 years and never hesitated when facing the threats to freedom; a man who fought terrorism with remarkable determination and since he left office has been restlessly dedicated to the cause of civil liberties and democracies around the world. We are in France and so it is fitting to remember General de Gaulle, who used to say, “In troubled times we need men and women of character.”