EP conference on gross human rights violations in Iraq

The European Parliament held a conference chaired by Struan Stevenson, Chairman of EP Delegation on Relations with Iraq, discussing human rights violations and the increasing trend of executions in Iraq.
Italian MP Elizabetta Zamparutti, Co-Chair of the Italian Committee of Parliamentarians and Citizens for Iran Freedom, also delivered a speech at this conference.

Struan Stevenson in this conference said as head of the EP Delegation on Relations with Iraq I cannot stand aside witnessing this violence and sectarianism in Iraq. Carrying out executions in Iraq is horrific. Iran is one of the most isolated countries in the world and interferes in the affairs of its neighbor Iraq, he added.
Italian MP Elizabetta Zamparutti said to force Iraq to change this course we must have a different approach towards Iran because the Iraqi government is a proxy of Iran. It is under this regime’s orders that the Iraqi government treats Ashraf and Liberty residents in an inhumane manner, she continued.
In his closing remarks, Struan Stevenson called on all European countries to condition their economic relations with Iraq to this country abiding by international laws and human rights principles.

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