EFE : Tens of thousands of Iranian exiles demand change in Iran

NCRI – The Spanish language news agency, EFE reported tens of thousands of Iranian exiles on Saturday June 30, came together in Paris, to call for a regime change in Iran and to denounce the refusal of the European Parliament to remove the People’s Mojahedin organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) from its list of terrorist organizations.

Paris, 30 June (EFE)- Today, tens of thousands of Iranian exiles came together in Paris, to call for a regime change in Iran and to denounce the refusal of the European Parliament to eliminate the People’s Mojahedin of Iran (PMOI) organization from its list of terrorist organizations.

With this decision, the European Council has chosen to “dishonor” and “side with the mullah’s regime”, “the god-father of international terrorism”, said Maryam Rajavi, the President of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), the political arm of the PMOI.

Those who categorize the resistance as “terrorist” are in reality opposing the democratic change in Iran. This change is the only solution for Iran, Iraq and the entire region”, she declared.

Last December, the European court of justice, ordered EU to take the name of PMOI from its list of terrorist organizations, but the Union has not done that and has put their name in the list that was  published in the official paper of the EU yesterday.

It is a decision which was taken while the EU is trying to convince Iran to suspend the uranium enrichment, as it was also ordered by the United Nations’ Security Council.

In her speech, the leader of the NCRI said that demonstrations which has occurred in Iran during the last days to protest the rationing of the gasoline ordered by the government of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, makes the state of Iranian society “explosive” and “accelerates the popular discontent”.

Rajavi views this as “the will of the Iranian people to terminate the regime” of the Islamic Republic and “a sign of the last phase” of the regime: “that mullah’s are sitting on explosives” she said.

She argued that placing the PMOI in the European list of terrorist organizations, allows the mullahs to “put off the impact of the international sanctions”, referring to the sanctions mandated by the UN Security Council against Iran to suspend its uranium enrichment.

In addition to urging the EU to take the name of PMOI form its list of terrorist organizations, the participants in the meeting, demanded the adoption of new sanctions against Iran “military, technology, financial, petroleum and diplomatic.”

Among the European legislators present, there was the vice-president of the European Parliament, the Spanish Alejo Vidal-Quadras.

In his comments to the EFE, the euro-diplomat regarded the no fulfillment the court of first instance by Europe, “very worrisome” and that “it assumes that in the EU the domain of law is a sacred principle”.

In its judgment, the European Council does not comply, because of “the idea that the Iranian regime has to be appeased through dialogue, negotiations and gestures of friendship.”

“This technique has been applied for many years without any success (…) the regime (Iran) has become more aggressive each time, the nuclear program is continuing and Iran continues with intervention in Iran, Lebanon and Palestine”, stressed the euro-diplomat from the Popular Party of Europe.

He added that “the most efficient and direct form of combating this kind of regime is to allow its democratic opposition to act freely and arrange this among Iranians”.

Upon denouncing that the resistance “has its hands tied” by putting it in the list “when they are not terrorists”, according to this European diplomat “it does not make sense” and it is “condemned to failure”.

On the other hand, Rajavi took the opportunity in the this meeting to ask for accountability from France and its new president, Nicolas Sarkozy, regarding the “totally unfounded” open raid on their political headquarters of the NCRI outside Paris in 2003, when she and others were temporarily arrested.

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