Economic and diplomatic ties with regime in Iran must end

By: Firouz Mahvi
Published in Spanish language daily La Gaceta on February 12, 2010
31 years after the Iranian revolution which toppled the Shah, many protests and clashes took place in various areas of Tehran and other cities this week on Thursday (February 11). Protestors confronted anti-riot forces in Tehran. Intense clashes continued between youths and suppressive forces, with a number of protestors ending up arrested by the regime’s agents. These protests, which are still continuing, took place despite enormous security measures by the Iranian regime.

It has become crystal clear that this religious dictatorship is absolutely incapable of reforming itself and is not prepared to give even a single concession to the people. Any compromise and concession would speed up the overthrow of the regime.  The demands of the Iranian people are more profound. People would not be satisfied with anything short of regime change. With each day of the uprisings, people’s demands have become more serious and radicalised.

On February 11, 2010, Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), lauded the courageous Iranian women, men and youths who have taken to the streets and rattled the foundations of the clerical regime with their chants of “death to dictator” and “death to Khamenei.” She said: “Today, you managed to liberate the occasion of the anniversary of the anti-monarchical revolution from the clutches of the clerical regime, and you will undoubtedly liberate Iran from their occupation as well. The uprising has ringed the death knell for the religious fascism ruling Iran and shows that the days of the regime are numbered.”

The nationwide uprising of the Iranian people sends a clear message to the international community, particularly the European Union and the United States, that the regime will fall. As such, any economic or political investments on it would fail, too. Economic and diplomatic ties with the clerical regime have only served the survival of the regime and have acted against the Iranian people. So, they must end.

* Firouz Mahvi is a member of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran.

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