Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Ealing Iranians demand change

NCRI – The British Weekly, Ealing Times published a report about the gathering of 50,000 Iranians in Paris on June 30, 2007.
The Times reported that the event was attended by a British parliamentary delegation including Lord Slynn of Hadley, Andrew Mackinlay MP and Brian Binley MP.
Ealing Times, July 12, 2007 – A BUSINESSMAN joined thousands of fellow Iranians last week to campaign against his country’s government.

Mojtaba Rabiee and his family closed down their Acton coffee shop to travel to Paris for the conference attended by 50,000 people.

The event, held at Parisian commune Villepinte, was attended by MPs, EU representatives and US congressmen.

Mr Rabiee, 42, said: "We went to Paris because many of the Iranian people are against the Iranian government.

"We all want to protest and it’s very important in this situation. All of the country are rising up against the government.

"They are going to make a nuclear bomb and they are supporting terrorists.

"They are two options at the moment – the first is that the West will attack Iran and the second is that we appease them.

"Either they are attacked or we appease them which will lead to them being attacked.

"We are in favour of a third option. We are in favour of democratic change in Iran by the Iranian people.

"We are supporting this option. Thousands of members of the EU support this option.

"If it not this option then definitely there will be war."

The borough’s Iranian community is one of the largest in the country and Mr Rabiee said many people from the area to protest against the EU’s black-listing of Iranian opposition party People’s Mojahedin Organisation of Iran (PMOI) as a terrorist organisation.

The crowd chanted "EU, EU, shame on you" and "Freedom, Freedom is our indelible right" at the event on Saturday June 30.

Laila Jazayeri, director of the Association of Anglo-Iranian Women, said: "It is tragic that in 21st century Europe, the European leaders and on top of all, our government, are involved in illegitimate and illegal actions which has led to emboldening of a brutally oppressive regime and quickened its procurement of technology, and weapons.

"It is time for the British government to wake up to the realities inside Iran and remove the illegal terror tag from the PMOI.

"The removal of terror tag will send a positive and inspiring message to the Iranian people and allow the Iranian Resistance to concentrate its efforts to continue mobilizing the people’s struggle for freedom and democracy inside their country."

The event was attended by a parliamentary delegation including Lord Slynn of Hadley, Andrew Mackinlay MP and Brian Binley MP.