Dissidents inside and abroad main focus of Iranian intelligence .. German security agency

Publishing its annual report, the Office for the Protection of the Constitution (BfV) revealed the Iranian regime’s spying activities against the Iranian Resistance.
“The Iranian regime’s intelligence organizations, including the Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS) and Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) Intelligence are the government’s main tools to maintain its power,” the report said.

“The duty of these organs is defined as certifying the present situation inside the country and gathering information from outside the country. Due to its massive structure and importance in safeguarding the system, the MOIS is among the Iranian regime’s most powerful ministries.”
This BfV report continues:
“MOIS’ main duty is to stake out and keep watch over opposition groups inside and outside the country.
The Iranian regime’s spying activities against Germany are mainly carried out by the MOIS. Another main subject of this regime’s spying activities includes identifying exiled dissidents among Iranian communities living in Germany numbering at over 50,000. In this regard, the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran and the National Council of Resistance of Iran are specifically in the center of the Iranian regime’s spying activities.”
Regarding these spying measures by the mullahs’ regime the BfV wrote, “The MOIS in Tehran controls intelligence and spying activities against top-level dissidents. On this subject the MOIS takes advantage of trips by individuals to Iran for family and business matters, in a manner that for those who go to Iran, it is almost impossible to distance yourself from cooperating with the MOIS.
On the other hand, the MOIS network in the Iranian embassy in Berlin plays an important role in providing information. Intelligence agents there especially follow the activities of Iranian dissidents in Germany. They are obligated to carry out and support the espionage activities ordered by the MOIS in Tehran.
Various espionage methods are used to gather this information and Iranian regime consulates and representing offices stationed in Germany are committed to supporting and assisting these agents.”
BfV reiterates in its report:
“The duty of the Iranian regime espionage apparatus is to maintain power and safeguard the current regime. Therefore, in the future the Iranian regime will focus on Iranian opposition in Germany.”
The German Die Welt daily wrote:
“One of the MOIS’ duties in Germany is to spy, stake out and follow its opposition, especially the People’s Mojahedin. This mission is carried out under the supervision of Iranian regime agents in Germany. Security agencies report Iranian regime espionage in the future will remain focused on opposition forces activities.”

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