Demonstration by university students in Tehran

NCRI – Students of Tehran’s Amir-Kabir University have staged a demonstration to protest the kidnapping of two students by university security guards since Sunday May 6. The protest grew in size rapidly. The demonstration by students of Mining and Petroleum Department received the support of other students in the university.

NCRI – Students of Tehran’s Amir-Kabir University have staged a demonstration to protest the kidnapping of two students by university security guards since Sunday May 6. The protest grew in size rapidly. The demonstration by students of Mining and Petroleum Department received the support of other students in the university.

The university guards tried to break up the demonstration by threatening and intimidating the students. In response the students chanted slogans such as "Basij leave the university" and "Basij shame on you," referring to the notorious Basij force a subordinate of the regime’s Revolutionary Guard Corps. They also blocked the Basij force. According to reports, the student demonstration is still continuing and the situation is tense in Amir-Kabir University.

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