Tuesday, July 16, 2024
berlin rally iranian resistance 10022024

Honoring Iran’s 1979 Revolution, an Ongoing Battle Against Two Dictatorships

Three minutes read On February 11, Iranians worldwide commemorate the historic 1979 revolution, a pivotal moment in the nation's history that marked the overthrow of...
Iran Regime Used Fake Twitter Accounts to Push Its Agenda

New Report Reinforces Need for Constant Vigilance Against Iran’s Online Disinformation

Over the past few years, there have been various reports that Iran's Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS) have long used social media to...
munich ncri rally jean pierre brard 1

Munich: French MP Jean Pierre Brard Warns Against Foreign Interference in Iran’s Revolution

While world leaders gathered at Munich Security Conference on February 17, Iranians and supporters of the Iranian Resistance rallied in Munich to support the...

Regime Change in Tehran is Unavoidable, Senator Giulio Terzi

In the course of the nationwide uprising in Iran, despite the fluctuating trend of gathering crowds that come of different sizes and various locations,...

Iran’s Air Pollution Crisis: a Silent Killer

City lights are dim, one can hardly see a few meters ahead, and sounds of repeated coughing echo throughout the street. The haze and...
Iran Regime’s Fake News in Action

Iran Regime’s Fake News in Action

Joseph Goebbels, Adolf Hitler’s Minister of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda, said: “Tell a lie that is big enough and repeat it often enough and...

The World Should Start Listening to What Khamenei Says

Despair, frustration, and disappointment, are the words any political observer would hear while listening to speeches of top officials in the Iranian state hierarchy....

APA Book Exposes Iran Regime’s Psychological Warfare Against Resistance with “Child Soldiers” Allegations

Throughout human history, whenever a nation has faced oppression or foreign aggression, countless individuals have been suppressed, losing their rights and freedoms. Yet, amid...
Iran Freedom Summit-WashingtonPost

UN Delegates Should Listen to Iranians, not Tehran’s Illegitimate President 

Time is running out to take action in accordance with recommendations from countless Iranian expatriates and supporters of Iran’s pro-democracy Resistance movement concerning the...
vali nasr ali akbar salehi munich security conference 2013 (1)

Who is Vali Nasr, Former Senior Advisor at US State Department

Vali Nasr is an individual who has enjoyed long-standing trust and involvement within the United States government. He served on the United States Department's...