Tuesday, July 16, 2024
munich ncri rally jean pierre brard 1

Munich: French MP Jean Pierre Brard Warns Against Foreign Interference in Iran’s Revolution

While world leaders gathered at Munich Security Conference on February 17, Iranians and supporters of the Iranian Resistance rallied in Munich to support the...
munich security conference iranians rally

Munich Security Conference Assured Tehran More Than It Warned

After enduring six months of persistent protests, during which hundreds of lives were lost and tens of thousands of demonstrators suffered through torture, rape,...
Sabeti Savak min

Posters of Parviz Sabeti at Pahlavi Rally: Scaring off Tehran or Dissent Thereof?

On February 19 in Munich, a rally was held by the remnants of the deposed former dictator of Iran, Mohammadreza Pahlavi, the Shah. Masih...
michael rubin in iranian state media 1

Crushing Response to Michael Rubin’s Outlandish, Baseless Allegation against #Iran Organized Opposition

As the Iranian nationwide uprising has shaken the foundations of the clerical dictatorship to the core, and regime's senior officials keep warning the Supreme...

Clarification Regarding Michael Rubin’s Bashing of Iran Opposition

Several websites affiliated with the Iranian regime Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS), including the so-called Nejat Association and Habillian, the notorious and disgraced...
ncri conference canada ambassador bloomfield 1

Amb. Lincoln Bloomfield Jr. Rejects Decades of Iran Regime’s Propaganda Against the MEK

On Saturday, Ambassador Lincoln Bloomfield Jr, an American diplomat, and Assistant Secretary of State for Political and Military Affairs addressed a bi-partisan conference in...
michael rubin ncri activism uprising

Michael Rubin’s MEK-Bashing Serves Iran’s Ruling Tyrants

In a commentary published in Townhall on January 24, Ali Safavi of NCRI's Foreign Affairs Committee rebutted the latest diatribe by Michael Rubin, his...
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Selling a Dead Horse: Reza Pahlavi’s Bid to Market a Trashed Dictatorship

As Iran’s nationwide uprising, now in its fifth month, threatens to topple the medieval ruling tyranny, Reza Pahlavi, the son of the deposed dictator...

Regime Change in Tehran is Unavoidable, Senator Giulio Terzi

In the course of the nationwide uprising in Iran, despite the fluctuating trend of gathering crowds that come of different sizes and various locations,...

Iran Regime Officials Acknowledge Failing to Demonize the Opposition MEK

A video from Iran showing a group of young Iranians chanting slogans against the regime and in favor of Iran’s principal opposition, Mujahedin-e Khalq...