Tuesday, July 16, 2024
washington briefing ivan sasha sheehan book

Prof. Ivan Sascha Sheehan: Tehran Infiltrates Washington to Prevent Regime Change in Iran

On November 14, at the Congressional briefing that took place at Capitol Hill, Professor Ivan Sascha Sheehan, Associate Dean of the College of Public...
washington iran policy committee 14 nov 2023

Congressional Briefing Uncovers Iran’s Covert Operations

On Tuesday, November 14, 2023, Capitol Hill hosted a pivotal Congressional briefing, aimed at delving into Iran's covert influence operations both abroad (including in...
vali nasr ali akbar salehi munich security conference 2013 (1)

Who is Vali Nasr, Former Senior Advisor at US State Department

Vali Nasr is an individual who has enjoyed long-standing trust and involvement within the United States government. He served on the United States Department's...
The National Council of Resistance of Iran – Committee on Security and Counterterrorism

Exposing the Mullahs’ Nejat Society in Albania and Its Request to Prosecute MEK Leaders

The branch of the mullahs’ regime’s Ministry of Intelligence (MOIS) in Albania, which until now had been spying and facilitating terrorist activities against the...
iran lobby expert regime (1)

“Iran Experts” and Their Role in Shaping Western Policies on Iran’s Resistance

Recent disclosures concerning the involvement of individuals identified as "Iran experts," with affiliations to the clerical regime, within the United States government, have elicited...

Iranian Regime’s UN Assembly Appearance: Exploiting Opportunities or Exposing Contradictions

On Wednesday, September 19, the global community had to endure for 35 minutes what the Iranian people have stomached for 45 years. While the...
iran radio goftogu mehdi nejati rouhani far

MEK’s Role in Shaping Iran’s Political Landscape Analyzed in Revealing Conversation

The clerical regime in Iran is grappling with a significant predicament. To be precise, it's facing a multitude of challenges. However, a particularly noteworthy...
iran november 2019 uprising

Unpacking Recent Regime Statements Regarding Iran’s Resistance

Conventional wisdom and historical precedent suggest that regimes or governments are less likely to openly acknowledge the significance of their opposition, let alone ask...
Iran, IRGC, Iran Protests, state media, maryam rajavi, mek

Understanding the Iranian Regime’s Urgency to Speculate on MEK’s Fate

In recent weeks, Iranian state officials have been making bold statements regarding the future of the Mujahedin-e-Khalq Organization (MEK/PMOI), prematurely predicting what they called...
maryam rajavi hearing italy

Tehran Goes Ballistic as Italian Lawmakers Stand with Iranian Opposition

Since Wednesday, Iran's ruling theocracy has gone ballistic due to Italian lawmakers' holding a special hearing session with Mrs. Maryam Rajvi, the president-elect of...