Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Iran Regime Publishes Books in a Desperate Attempt To Demonize the MEK

One of the methods used by the Iranian regime to pursue its demonization campaign against the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI or MEK)...

Report No. 3 By Judiciary Committee Of The National Council Of Resistance Of Iran...

Publication of indictment and documents in the Case of Hamid Noury, Iranian Regime Henchman, by Swedish Prosecutor Authority Prosecutor's Indictment: Khomeini issued a...
michael rubin ncri activism uprising

Michael Rubin’s MEK-Bashing Serves Iran’s Ruling Tyrants

In a commentary published in Townhall on January 24, Ali Safavi of NCRI's Foreign Affairs Committee rebutted the latest diatribe by Michael Rubin, his...

Iranian Regime Tactics Against Its Principal Opposition, MEK – Part 2

The following is the second part of a piece written by former MEP Struan Stevenson in the book “Iran Democratic Revolution,” published by the...

Who Represents the People of Iran?

Politics is complex, but when it comes to Iran it gets even more so. The clerical regime that has been ruling Iran for the...

Iran and UNHRC: When Tyranny Plays Victim

On February 28, the United Nations Human Rights Council started its forty-ninth session. Delegations from 47 member states are expected to discuss a topic...

44th Day of Nationwide Uprising, Major Protest in Arak with Chants of “Death to...

Iran Protests- No. 91 University students chanted: “IRGC is ISIS, these plots are repeated,” “It's time for revolution, it's November again.” On Saturday, October 28, on...

Iran’s Air Pollution Crisis: a Silent Killer

City lights are dim, one can hardly see a few meters ahead, and sounds of repeated coughing echo throughout the street. The haze and...

Albania Expels Four Terrorist Agents

Following the postponement of the Free Iran World Summit in Ashraf 3 on July 23-24 due to the regime's threats and terrorist plots, made...

Iran: Regime’s Cyber-attacks and Conspiracies Targeting Members and Supporters of Iranian Resistance

On the verge of the annual rallies and demonstrations of the Iranian Resistance, the clerical regime’s Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS), and its...